Did you ever order any copies of that Emory Douglas book we were talking about? I need to jump back on your website and try to order up a copy of Sankofa again.
any links? I checking Vudu, Amazon, iTunes none of them have it for purchase to stream.
At the time we talked when I found it it was unavailable to me. I'll check again it's probably back now, I actually am getting ready to create a special 50 year anniversary section for the Black Panthers so I'll need that book. The website is being repaired right now so that shyt might not work for you, if it does then cool but if not then just me up at the store by phone and we can take care of it that way.
When would be a good time to call?
Between 11 and 8 EST, that's when the bookstore side is open.
Today included?
That was really powerful, and was one of the best depictions of the daily tortures and tough decisions the enslaved went thru, the way our families were purposefully broken, and how Christianity was used to break us so evilly.
What I truly appreciated was how it showed that there were constant mini rebellions...from running from a plantation to free land to give birth, from finally rebelling against a head slaver, or rebuking Christianity, we fought for the ENTIRE 400 YEARS.
Im disappointed nobody told me about this earlier. I think I just fell in love with the girl who told me about it.