Samsung is a copycat trash company who makes plastic lagging phones with 8 cores for broke peasants who flash new ROMs 10 hours per day.
Funny as shyt cause its mildly true
Samsung is a copycat trash company who makes plastic lagging phones with 8 cores for broke peasants who flash new ROMs 10 hours per day.
If you think Apple is using original ideas please do yourself a favor and read the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson. You'll never utter the phrase 'Samsung is copying Apple' again. If you don't feel like reading that book then just watch this. He's talking about stealing from XEROX here.
Steve Jobs: Good artists copy great artists steal - YouTube
Apple paid Xerox for their technology in stock options. $1 million to be exact. The developers at Xerox weren't happy about it but the Board of Directors were.
Maybe you should read the book by Walter Isaacson? I'm guessing you never did and now you're just spouting misinformed here'say.
"Stealing from XEROX" ????? On what planet is paying for something considered stealing?
Apple paid Xerox for their technology in stock options. $1 million to be exact. The developers at XEROX PARC weren't happy about it but the XEROX Board of Directors were.
Maybe you should take your own advice and read the book by Walter Isaacson (everything I said above is in it, I actually read it). I'm guessing you never did and now you're just spouting misinformed here'say?
Now Microsoft stole the GUI. Didn't pay anyone. Lifted it from their dev unit of the LISA and the Macintosh they got. But that's a story for a different thread.
Just to expand on what I said above...
What Apple did with Xerox is no different from what every tech company does now licensing and buying technology from other companies.
Google, Samsung, Facebook...everyone does it.
It's just that nothing as revolutionary as the GUI was bought as cheaply.
That's why it's entered tech folklore and probably why the story has been miss-told over the years. And it's especially funny how "Apple bought the GUI from XEROX and Microsoft Stole it from XEROX and APPLE) turns into "Apple stole from XEROX and Microsoft Windows was magically created somehow. The end"
The misinformed Apple hate is hilarious to me.
I read it the week after it came out and enjoyed it very much. I admire Jobs for what he was able to do. I think its pretty funny that you flat out ignored the video in which the bwoi Jobs says they take 'Great pride in stealing'. The fact of the matter is that portion of interview is about the ideas that Apple used that originated at Xerox.
I really have no interest in arguing with you about it b/c I own Samsung (GS3) and Apple products (iPad2).
You would have to ask Jobs why he mentioned stealing in an interview about something he bought?
My larger point is people act like Apple originates all these ideas when the Messiah is on record saying he takes great pride in stealing.
You would have to ask Jobs why he mentioned stealing in an interview about something he bought?
Your point was that Apple stole from XEROX. You cited the book and the video.
I pointed out that you were wrong. Apple didn't steal from XEROX. They paid for the tech (it's in the book). Regardless of what the Jobs video says. Paying for something is not stealing.
You responded by spinning your original statement.
I have no interest in arguing with you either. But don't expect to just shout out "The sky is GREEN!" and not have anybody respond to your declaration. It was my duty to respond.
Ever since they won that law suit it has been all downhill for Apple. lol
you know what the top 2 cell phones in sales were last quarter?iphone 5 and iPhone 4S.
The over year old 4s sold more than the samdung shyt 3.