Samoa Joe stans, it's time to sit down permanently mjcry


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
As much as it would help him out financially - there's some great stories to be told with all these guys from the 00 indies working with the younger cats and passing the baton at the end of their careers. :ehh:
Joe taking over Team Taz is such an easy home run. Samoa Joe talking for Hobbs is literally a best-case-scenario situation. Joe being Hook's 'corner man' would be just another clean addition to that situation. Joe also would add some bass to the verbal presentation of the team - when Starks' demeanor isn't what you need for a heavier feud, let Joe bark on someone and have his folks back up his talk.

...Which just gives reasoning for a revisit of Punk/Team Taz, if nothing more than to have Joe and Punk go at it on the mic. Doubly so if the match it leads to gets someone in Team Taz a win over Punk


Apr 10, 2015
As much as it would help him out financially - there's some great stories to be told with all these guys from the 00 indies working with the younger cats and passing the baton at the end of their careers. :ehh:
Joe taking over Team Taz is such an easy home run. Samoa Joe talking for Hobbs is literally a best-case-scenario situation. Joe being Hook's 'corner man' would be just another clean addition to that situation. Joe also would add some bass to the verbal presentation of the team - when Starks' demeanor isn't what you need for a heavier feud, let Joe bark on someone and have his folks back up his talk.

...Which just gives reasoning for a revisit of Punk/Team Taz, if nothing more than to have Joe and Punk go at it on the mic. Doubly so if the match it leads to gets someone in Team Taz a win over Punk

All of these would be money. Moxley, Danielson, Punk, MJF, Hobbs, Miro, Omega, Wardlow. He should initially debut right into the main event scene, just that good and believable of a talent. If there's any new signee that's deserving of the fast-track to the top it's him.

Then once he gotta give someone else a turn you really get into those Team Taz possibilities, really helping those dudes hone their intensity, so much would rub off on Hobbs it would be well worth it just for that alone.