The key message here is any one individual can make some meaningful change if you're focused dedicated and committed no matter the forum. This could be any one of us on this site at there job, in the block association, or at home.
I'm really proud of this guy.
no, this isn't enough...just a few weeks ago i named many of the community initiatives black frats/sororities manage and the community work they do and it was laughed at, i was told it wasn't enough nor is it according to the coli, unless you can solve it, it's not enough....pretty sure i'll see some of them same names dapping posts like this in here tho
but not to derail...i enjoyed colin stepping up and squashing every criticism -
"here are your specifics, here is what i'm doing, here is the money i'm donating, oh yea, and btw...i never said i hate america

, i respect the military and love my country and want to see it do better
