I've been trying to gather my thoughts since having watched this movie last night and to say this movie is disturbing is an understatement. I felt tortured myself watching this but I got through the 2.5 hours hoping that at the end was an inkling of hope or good fortune but nada. After looking up info on the movie it seems like that was the director's intent.
To show the rich and powerful abuse and get away with it.
This film has been banned and still is in some countries but I think the public should watch it with the mindset that it's more of an art-extreme art than it is a movie with a plot and ending. I also felt that this was better than A Serbian Film. A Serbian Film came across as unrealistic, amateurish and trying to hard to be gore.
*Can't give this a rating but it's a required watch expecially if your really into films
*Also can't see myself watching this again