He’s not the only one. These threads where brehs are excited by the prospect of making life changing money always attract a handful of bitter contrarians who try to mask their concern trolling with a pretense of pragmatism and realistic expectations. They _never_ have anything positive to add, their contributions rooted in a determined effort to disabuse you of that wide-eyed zeal.
“How dare you think this coin will make you a million. You should have sold two months ago. I cashed out and bought a lambo. You’re waiting on a fantasy that will never happen. The math isn’t there. Better luck next time!”
It’s always the same spiel from these weirdos.
Just like Shiba huh?

Although this coin at least has a burn/reward mechanism which makes it a bit better.
Don't worry, I can keep holding a bit longer. I won't dump all my tokens yet.