got you. I guess if the whales had their way they would have dumped most of their bags already![]()
a lot probably would…they’re always in the driver’s seat tho
got you. I guess if the whales had their way they would have dumped most of their bags already![]()
There’s absolutely no maintenance going on. Coinbase realized what we’re doing and wants a cut. I know I’ve done this at least 20 times in the last few weeks as I tested methods to spend the least money to buy tokens. Can’t wait until an exchange pops up that gets everything right and has all the smaller tokens too. I’ll be done with all these damn places.another reason to keep shyt in your own wallet…these sites be undergoing “routine” maintenance at the worst times
check the pinned comment:
“I no longer recommend Ledger given their recent database breach where customer data was exposed. Get a trezor rather”
There’s absolutely no maintenance going on. Coinbase realized what we’re doing and wants a cut. I know I’ve done this at least 20 times in the last few weeks as I tested methods to spend the least money to buy tokens. Can’t wait until an exchange pops up that gets everything right and has all the smaller tokens too. I’ll be done with all these damn places.
I was gung-ho about getting a ledger when I first jumped into crypto…literally waited months for one bcuz the demand was so high…I feel more comfortable using wallet apps now…the ledgers I have are literally collecting dust…it’s honestly not necessary
elaborate please
you think 2fa is sufficient? When saitamask drops i wanna have all my ducks in a row security wise
?this reminds me.
for someone new, what are some good things to for when investing in a coin, particularly newer ones to get in early?
Hard to say. Sometimes you get lucky. I know they get like cryptomoonshot subreddits and whatnot but you can throw money in a coin and never know what could happen. I've thrown money in a few that I liked that haven't done shyt. And then ones I didn't like such as klee and mononoke ended up doing decently or at least some do decent but then settle back down. It's a lot of luck involved with these coins. And not just meme coins, even the bigger ones may not always work out as well as you think they would. Community is big for meme coins. Get enough popularity and they can rocket. Some take longer than others tho. One thing I do think is imprudent is transparency and knowing who you're doing business with. Anyone can create a coin but not everyone can show their face. You think if Satoshi created bitcoin now after all these other coins that it would have the same result? People might be like who's this mysterious motherfukker acting all secretive. Gives you a better peace of mind especially with all those rug pulls.
idk…doesn’t make sense for them to just randomly suspend XLM transfers for that “reason” when ppl use ETH for the same thing everyday…all the exchanges lockdown transfer of certain tokens from time to time…coincidentally bittrex used to do that with XLM wallets a lot
Hard to say. Sometimes you get lucky. I know they get like cryptomoonshot subreddits and whatnot but you can throw money in a coin and never know what could happen. I've thrown money in a few that I liked that haven't done shyt. And then ones I didn't like such as klee and mononoke ended up doing decently or at least some do decent but then settle back down. It's a lot of luck involved with these coins. And not just meme coins, even the bigger ones may not always work out as well as you think they would. Community is big for meme coins. Get enough popularity and they can rocket. Some take longer than others tho. One thing I do think is imprudent is transparency and knowing who you're doing business with. Anyone can create a coin but not everyone can show their face. You think if Satoshi created bitcoin now after all these other coins that it would have the same result? People might be like who's this mysterious motherfukker acting all secretive. Gives you a better peace of mind especially with all those rug pulls.
swapping it to ETH or USDC or Tether and transferring it to a ledger or different exchange wouldn't help with that issue (low volume)?
i remember a little back when i first tried to get in i bought some solana when it was like lower double digits and quickly took it out
atleast with stocks i know "this current event is happening/this business makes sense. invest"
i have no idea what these coins are about
Here's my opinion and why I don't think that may work. Using this coin and other similar ones as an example. When Saitama is created they create a wallet with let's say a trillion coins. So you start with a trillion and then people have to buy with eth or usdc or whatever. New coins aren't being made and more eth isn't being or put into that wallet. If you look at a transaction hash you'll see that if you trade a coin like let's say shib or usdt for saitama that it gets traded to eth first cuz that's the base currency. So there has to be some eth either in the liquidity wallet or somewhere but the amount of eth plus the amount of saitama can never equal more than a trillion saitama coins. Plus the burn wallet starts taking up some of the coins and the rewards too. So what happens is that the uniswap and exchange wallets start going down as people keep buying but they don't carry enough eth. So if a big whale goes to sell a large amount, they may not be able to cuz there's not enough eth to pay them off. Remember it's only what the wallet has and nothing else that can be given. Russ can't go to Vitalik and say this guy wants to sell for 5k eth coins, can we borrow some.
At least that's the way I look at it but maybe someone else has a better way.
Well with this coin they got the kucoin listing coming up plus the saitamask release next weekend and some other partnerships they working with. If you go on a site like coingecko and search for the coins, a lot of them have Twitter, discord, reddit, some have IG, all have websites. I have a bunch of discords and subscribed to a bunch of subreddits on stuff I have. I don't read thru everything daily or be on the chats except for checking in on this coins discord but it's good to get a feel for things and see if anything important coming up. I've seen tokens where I haven't got in and I check the subreddit and it's dead for like a month and the discord not popping and I be like ok this community sucks and the coin not moving, let me move on. Lot of these coins do the same thing but the way that they present themselves and the way the people talk about it is key.
The first red flag to squid coin was something people didn't read in the beginning... that the liquidity was locked until October 2024What made this coin stand out initially for the listing and access to partnerships? Its functionality or just connections?
Like whats the difference between this and throwing some money into dogelon or that wolverine shyt right now? And what were the red flags for something like squid coin?