Nkrumah Was Right
center right wing geopolitics writer.
I can quote this endlessly.
This is where a lot of yall get the angle where its just anti-USA and run it to the ground.
There are, and always have been, other players in the mix.
Is no one gonna address why Ayman Al Zawahiri had suspicious trips to russia in the 90s? We didn't have this sussed out until Alexander Litvenenko was poisoned by russia who alleged Zawahiri was a russian operative and informant operationalized against the west.
Mind you, bin Laden didn't hate the USA until he met Zawahiri.
Special Report: The Truth About Zawahiri’s Russian Sojourn Died with Him
It’s not like the media or Western governments were all that curious anyway (at least not publicly)topsecretumbra.substack.com
Say it with your chest. Just tell us Yeltsin planned 9/11.