But you'd probably expect someone to fell sorry for you when a problem hits you.
What does any of that video have to do with hot girl summer et al?
Seems like a random chick that likely has some form of postpartum depression.
Thank you for using logic and sense. I hope she has someone with her to watch her around those kids. She might not be in the right mental state to seek out help, even though in this video she's doing that without knowing it, someone around her needs to check in on her and do it for her
Postpartum depression ain't no joke. Women kill themselves and their kids from it. My niece had her first child in January. I made it my mission to check in with her and make sure she had whatever she needed so she wouldn't feel alone while surrounded my tons of people. Also, before someone comes in here on that single mother troupe, postpartum depression affects new mothers, single and married
This characteristic goes unnoticed and unappreciated.
There is a deadbeat problem.Stop feeling sorry
She wasn’t raped, she wasn’t swindled. She spread her legs willingly for a man she ignored all the Red flags and these are the Consequences.
There isn’t a deadbeat problem there is only women spreading their legs for a deadbeat problem
So many women suffer with it in silence, or feel like they're asking for help but no one is listening, or some think "I'm just a new mom and don't feel like myself but it's okay because it's all about my baby". No, I need them to check in with people, vent their frustrations, talk about it with their doctor. It's okay to not be okay, but let a medical professional and people around them know. If mommy is not okay, baby definitely won't be okay
Stop feeling sorry
She wasn’t raped, she wasn’t swindled. She spread her legs willingly for a man she ignored all the Red flags and these are the Consequences.
There isn’t a deadbeat problem there is only women spreading their legs for a deadbeat problem
Real shyt.Stop feeling sorry
She wasn’t raped, she wasn’t swindled. She spread her legs willingly for a man she ignored all the Red flags and these are the Consequences.
There isn’t a deadbeat problem there is only women spreading their legs for a deadbeat problem
Get on the pill and stop playing Russian Roulette with your womb
It literally rewires your preference in men to the point you won’t even be attracted to men who would leave you a single mother in the first place.
Is Sexy in the Eye of the Pill-Taker? - Sarah E. Hill - Behavioral Scientist
Exploring the emerging research that suggests the birth control pill could be influencing who women choose as their mates.behavioralscientist.org