seriously these teams are idiots. Im posting here every week how runs outside work against us...teams dont try em until theyre down by 3 scores
pickspatrick stikes back
PICKpatrick finally shows up
I honestly don't know why I do this to myself week after week, season after season, year after year. For the past 30+ years, the Bills have between the only sports team I've ever been passionate about. Every year I spend the hundreds on Sunday Ticket just to watch the Bills play 16 games, I completely waste every Sunday during the season to watch this team play, and for what? I mean I know teams go through rough periods but you stick by them as fans, knowing that it will get better... it has to. But it never does. It's just not fun anymore. We went from talking about how now we were going to have the best defense in the league , one of the best ever, how no quarterback would be able to survive or front four... to trying to fathom how they could possibly be so terrible. We hopped this would be the year that Fitz brought it all together. I mean if the head coach and general manager have so much faith in him to not even consider an upgrade or even have a decent backup behind him, that must mean something right? But he never had time to throw the ball because of our horrid O-line. So this year the line has allowed the fewest sacks in the league. Well the fact is, Fitz just isn't good. He does some good things I guess, but he is terribly inaccurate, doesn't have much of an arm,makes poor decisions, and is very inconsistent. I get that he's intelligent, that doesn't make him a good quarterback. We have a running back in Fred Jackson that comes in and leads the league in rushing. He gets hurt and in comes CJ and what does he do? Leads the league in rushing. It's really sad. We do have some talent on this team. It's being wasted. I just don't know If I can do it anymore.
Well Fitz just floated yet another INT, so before I smash my new TV I bought to watch the bills lose in HD, I'm going to turn it off and go hunting.
I honestly don't know why I do this to myself week after week, season after season, year after year. For the past 30+ years, the Bills have between the only sports team I've ever been passionate about. Every year I spend the hundreds on Sunday Ticket just to watch the Bills play 16 games, I completely waste every Sunday during the season to watch this team play, and for what? I mean I know teams go through rough periods but you stick by them as fans, knowing that it will get better... it has to. But it never does. It's just not fun anymore. We went from talking about how now we were going to have the best defense in the league , one of the best ever, how no quarterback would be able to survive or front four... to trying to fathom how they could possibly be so terrible. We hopped this would be the year that Fitz brought it all together. I mean if the head coach and general manager have so much faith in him to not even consider an upgrade or even have a decent backup behind him, that must mean something right? But he never had time to throw the ball because of our horrid O-line. So this year the line has allowed the fewest sacks in the league. Well the fact is, Fitz just isn't good. He does some good things I guess, but he is terribly inaccurate, doesn't have much of an arm,makes poor decisions, and is very inconsistent. I get that he's intelligent, that doesn't make him a good quarterback. We have a running back in Fred Jackson that comes in and leads the league in rushing. He gets hurt and in comes CJ and what does he do? Leads the league in rushing. It's really sad. We do have some talent on this team. It's being wasted. I just don't know If I can do it anymore.
Well Fitz just floated yet another INT, so before I smash my new TV I bought to watch the bills lose in HD, I'm going to turn it off and go hunting.
plex had a solid year last year better than all our recievers easy and when t o was here he had a good year.stevie is no where near a #1 reciever at all and if we get someone in to take pressure off him i think he would do better and get better looks