Yeah i would hold off on praising Poland. The right wing govt have for years severely weakened the independence of their judiciary, attacking free press, rolled back abortion rights, supported towns and counties creating "LGBT-Free" zones, etc... Also the president there is a big Trump supporter and dikksucker that tried to get a fort named after Trump.
They are lockstep with Hungary and work together to try and avoid or block EU measures to make them adhere to rule of law. Hungary is another country that butchered the judiciary, attacked free press, stripping checks and balances from the government, etc.. Not to forget Viktor Orbán and his party are Russia supporters, to the point they have fought against sanctions against Russia and blocked financial support for Ukraine. They only have some issues now because Poland is against Russia and Hungary is for Russia, but they still are against the EU.
At this point, with all of the tooling up they are doing, with the right wing govt seizing more power, defying the EU, etc.... I would be careful to cheer on Poland right now.