RUSSIA 🇷🇺 Thread: Wikileaks=FSB front, UKRAINE?, SNOWED LIED; NATO Aggression; Trump = Putins B!tch


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
for those who are interested, some dude made a website that details alot of the connections between Russia/Trump




XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
The FBI did wiretap Trump Tower in 2013—because it's filled with Russian mobsters

Years before Donald Trump rode his golden escalator into the presidential campaign, the FBI really did “tapp” some phone lines in Trump Tower. For a pretty good reason.

For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower.

The FBI was particularly after Russian mafia boss, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, whose money-laundering ring was bringing millions into the US from former Soviet republics. And where did these money-laundering mobsters chose to set up shop?

Some of the Russian mafia figures worked out of the 63rd floor unit in the iconic skyscraper –- just three floors below Trump’s penthouse residence -- running what prosecutors called an “international money laundering, sports gambling and extortion ring.”

Well, isn’t that a funny coincidence. It’s not like the floors in between are occupied by a “real estate development company” owned by post-Soviet oligarchs and operated by securities fraudster Felix Sater. Otherwise known as those guys who built the Trump SoHo where Trump filmed The Apprentice, but who Trump claims not to know.

“I don’t know who owns Bayrock,” Mr Trump said. “I never really understood who owned Bayrock. I know they’re a developer that’s done quite a bit of work. But I don’t know how they have their ownership broken down.”

Those guys. It looks like Trump Tower was a one-size fits all money-laundering superstore. And while the FBI grabbed some of the mobsters they were looking for in 2013, at least one of them slipped past them—only to turn up at Trump’s Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.

Five months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a “red notice” for Tokhtakhounov, the fugitive appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Moscow Miss Universe pageant. Trump had sold the Russian rights for Miss Universe to a billionaire Russian shopping mall developer.

Trump world is just overwhelmingly full of giant-sized coincidence. It was following up on one of Tokhtakhounov’s associates that kept the phone wires at Trump Tower connected to the FBI through 2013.

The Trump building was home to one of the top men in the alleged ring, Vadim Trincher who pleaded guilty to racketeering and received a five-year prison term. He is due to be released in July.

“Everything was moving in and out of there,” said former FBI official Rich Frankel, now an ABC News consultant.

Was there a wiretap at Trump Tower? Damn right there was. Because Trump Tower is a hotbed of illegal activity, and it’s just part of the “open for business” sign Trump hung out for Russian mobsters.

ABC News conducted a review of hundreds of pages of property records and reported in September that Trump-branded developments catered to large numbers of Russian buyers, including several who had brushes with the law. Russian buyers were particularly drawn to Trump licensed condo towers in Hollywood and Sunny Isles, Florida. Local real estate agents credited the Russian migration for turning the coastal Miami community into what they called “Little Moscow.”

:jbhmm:The plot thickens... Look out, Donnie Moscow is commin for ya:beli:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Putin’s Chekist Cover Has Been Blown

Putin’s Chekist Cover Has Been Blown
Kremlin’s brazen interference in our politics has been exposed—changing the spy-game to Russia’s disadvantage
By John R. Schindler • 03/22/17 1:45pm

Monday’s marathon Congressional session about Moscow’s clandestine machinations during our 2016 election was one for the books. The directors of the FBI and NSA hardly ever speak jointly in open session, so this was a truly special event, and what they had to say rocked American politics.

Together, the FBI’s James Comey and NSA’s Mike Rogers made it abundantly clear to the House Intelligence Committee that Russian spies interfered in last year’s presidential campaign, to the detriment of Hillary Clinton and the benefit of Donald Trump. Moreover, the new president and his team are under FBI counterintelligence investigation, and have been since last summer, in an inquiry that’s attempting to get to the bottom of this unpleasant mess—including assessing if there was any clandestine collusion between the Kremlin and Team Trump.

Just as stunning was the admission by Director Comey, speaking for both the Bureau and the Department of Justice, that the president’s tweetstorm accusation that Barack Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower is nonsense. Nobody in the Intelligence Community has found a shred of evidence to support Trump’s outlandish claim, while Director Rogers explained that NSA’s British partner agency, GCHQ, was not involved in any surveillance of Team Trump—another bizarre accusation the White House backed, notwithstanding that such conspiracy-theorizing is of Russian origin.

As has become the norm, the White House dug in its heels, ignoring all evidence they didn’t like. Even Fox News has walked away from the GCHQ-did-it lie which they aired earlier this month, benching the longtime conspiracy monger who put this Kremlin disinformation on-air in the first place.

House Republican efforts during Monday’s session to redirect, forcing Comey and Rogers to discuss the leaks of classified information that put Team Trump’s odd ties to the Kremlin on the front pages—rather than the substance of those ties, which the White House has gone to great lengths to downplay and deny—didn’t work. No amount of obfuscation can hide the reality that the president is a habitual fantasist who is under FBI investigation over his links to Moscow. Since this was the bland, unclassified version of our Intelligence Community’s assessment of the situation the White House is in, the mind boggles at what the top-secret version must say.

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Nevertheless, the most interesting statement made by Director Comey on Monday concerned what exactly the Russians were up to in 2016. “They were unusually loud in their intervention,” Comey said when asked by Florida Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen about novel Kremlin spy machinations last year during our election campaign: “It’s almost as if they didn’t care that we knew.”

It’s an important fact that, when Moscow dispatched hackers to pillage Democratic emails last June, they employed groups that were already well known to Western security services as fronts for Kremlin spy agencies. Subtle, this was not. Someone in Moscow—presumably Vladimir Putin—wanted us to know who was doing the dirty work.

Just as unsubtle was the Kremlin’s use of Wikileaks to disseminate those purloined emails to hurt Democrats. Since Wikileaks has served as a front for Russian intelligence since at least mid-2013—as was glaringly obvious to anyone acquaintedwith Kremlin espionage and propaganda techniques—here, too, someone at the top in Moscow wanted us to be aware of who was pulling the strings.

At every stage of their secret operation to influence our 2016 election, Russian spymasters could have used more subtle methods—for instance employing clean hackers who were unknown to Western counterspies or putting stolen emails online on a fresh new website—yet chose not to. This smacks of bravado and more than a little confidence that Washington would do little if anything to push back against Moscow—an assessment that proved sadly accurate.

To be fair to Putin, why would he not feel confident that he could get away with his brazen spy-game? He took the measure of Barack Obama and saw a man he could push around, so he did. Moreover, the Kremlin managed to convince millions of gullible Americans that the thief and defector Edward Snowden, who has lived in Russia since mid-2013 under the protection of Putin’s thuggish FSB, is actually an American patriot and defender of civil liberties. People dumb enough to buy that Moscow lie might fall for anything Putin threw out there, no matter how absurd.

It bears noting that back in the 1970s, the KGB (that a young Vladimir Putin joined right out of college) was a good deal subtler than it is today. Take the case of Philip Agee, the Snowden-before-Snowden, a disgruntled former CIA officer who went public with accusations of American intelligence malfeasance. Starting in 1975, Agee published three books which exposed CIA operations around the world, including identifying undercover Agency officers in numerous countries. After these compromises, which Langley believed led to the murder of the CIA station chief in Athens in late 1975, Congress made it a Federal crime to reveal the identity of American spies working in cover status.

Agee instantly became a celebrity and icon to the worldwide anti-American Left and remained an active critic of Western intelligence down to his death in Havana in 2008. His thick, detailed books were classic disinformation, an explosive amalgam of fact and salacious fantasy designed to discredit the CIA—which can be attributed to the fact that Agee’s books were written by Cuban and Soviet intelligence.

As we learned from secret KGB archives after the Cold War, Agee walked into the Soviet embassy in Mexico City in 1973, five years after he left the CIA under a cloud, and offered his services. Cautious in such matters, the KGB turned him away, fearing that Agee, who seemed too good to be true, was an American dangle. Less risk-averse and more eager to hurt Washington, Cuban intelligence proved more welcoming, and Castro’s spies greeted Agee with open arms. They viewed the turncoat as a goldmine for propaganda about CIA activities in Latin America. The KGB eventually got involved too, using Agee to disseminate anti-American agitprop worldwide—information that was really penned by KGB disinformation experts.

Throughout this long-term operation, which gave the CIA a seriously bloody nose, Moscow was careful to mask its role in the affair. The KGB always kept their witting agent Agee at arm’s length, knowing that if the Kremlin’s clandestine role behind this stage-managed drama became known in the West, it would discredit Agee’s accusations in the public eye.

Today, the Western public is more credulous than it was during the Cold War, since Putin’s spies have shown no such caution in their handling of the Snowden affair. They allowed Snowden to defect directly to Moscow in June 2013, which showed the Kremlin’s hand at the outset, only a few weeks after the NSA IT system administrator went public with his explosive allegations against his former employer. Since his arrival in Russia, Snowden has cooperated with Putin’s spies—just like every other defector ever, anywhere—as even top Kremlin security officials have publicly admitted. Given how eagerly many Americans accepted such blatant Moscow fairytales as truth, nobody should be shocked that Putin intervened in our 2016 election in such a nakedly brazen fashion.

Yet Putin’s boastful unwillingness to hide his aggressive spy-game against American democracy was ultimately unwise. Monday’s Congressional testimony makes it clear that our Intelligence Community is fully aware of what the Kremlin was up to in 2016—and that their far-reaching investigation into Russian interference will eventually go public.

Director Comey was correct in asserting that we’ve hardly seen the last of such nasty Kremlin efforts to subvert our politics:

They’ll be back in 2020, they may be back in 2018, and one of the lessons they may draw from this is that they were successful because they introduced chaos and division and discord and sowed doubt about the nature of this amazing country of ours and our democratic process.

Henceforth, however, the Russians will not enjoy the free hand they had in 2016. Many Americans are now wise to Kremlin disinformation and its noxious impact on democracy, while Democrats in Washington today exhibit a passion about countering Kremlin spies-and-lies which their party hasn’t displayed since the 1950s.

Reports that FBI counterintelligence is investigating far-right websites—including White House favorites Breitbart and InfoWars—to determine if they aided clandestine Russian efforts to boost Trump last year indicate how much the game has changed. The Kremlin-driven fringe-to-mainstream disinformation chain is now getting the scrutiny it deserves.

This turns of events reflects the purest Putinism, a conspiratorial worldview which emphasizes cunning tactics, not long-term strategy. Russia’s leader learned this during his KGB career, and Putin is a stereotypical Kremlin secret policeman—what Russians call a Chekist. Recent Russian espionage and propaganda operations against America, from the Snowden Operation to the campaign to sink Hillary Clinton, displayed impressive tradecraft, yet seemingly gave little thought to lasting political consequences.

By brazenly assaulting American democracy, the Kremlin generated serious pushback in Washington and beyond. Russia seeks to employ the identical spies-and-lies playbook against France and Germany now, since they have elections coming up. Yet Putin’s cover has been blown and European media and politicians are now discussing this threat seriously for the first time.

To say nothing of the fact that Donald Trump’s electoral victory, which nobody in Moscow seems to have anticipated, brought Russian espionage into scrutiny in Washington not seen since the early days of the Cold War. That the new president, whom Moscow hoped would turn American policy towards Russia, is instead facing an FBI counterintelligence investigation into how he landed in the White House demonstrates the perils of short-term Chekist thinking.

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he’s also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He’s published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.

@GzUp @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Blessed Is the Man @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @Chicken Pot Pie @humble forever @Darth Nubian @General Mills @88m3 @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @BaggerofTea @GnauzBookOfRhymes @Sagat @Hogan in the Wolfpac @Marcus Going @DonKnock


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Stop ducking our bet. We can make another one involving this thread title. Lmk what you want to bet on so we can change the title to "Putin Owns America; Make The Soviet Union Great Again!"
