the leaks if Bannon gets canned.
Bannon does not seem to even hold Trump with much respect or reverence. He along with the Mercers saw Palin as their possible "tool" to institute their vision of America and even that nutty idiot Michelle Bachman. Bannon isn't an idiot despite being a despicable human being and as such, would realize these aren't intellectual heavyweights that they putting their money behind. However, he realized that their very antagonistic and faux-populism does resonate with rural america.
I mean just look at how disrespectful this quote from Bannon is
. But when I talked with Bannon, he expressed a wariness about the political genuineness of the Trump campaign persona. Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” he told me earlier this summer. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.”
They seem to have a very utilitarian view of politicians instead of being true believers in the politicians themselves.
Given this, if Trump not only kick Bannon out but even worse, becomes the "establishment" typical neo-con republican that Bannon and Co. state they many "sources say..." stories will be coming out.
This is the ultimate case for Trump laying with dogs and getting fleas.