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AUG. 20, 2016

Trump says GOP should be home for African-Americans. At a Fredericksburg, Virginia rally, Trump says he wants the Republican Party to “be the home of the African-American vote once again.”

SEPT. 2, 2016

Philadelphia black roundtable. Trump participates in a roundtable discussionwith black leaders and community members affected by crime in Philadelphia.

SEPT. 3, 2016

Detroit black church visit. Trump attendsevent at African-American church in Detroit. He did not originally plan on speaking, but said in an address that “I’m here to learn.”

The NYT obtained a proposed campaign script for an interview with the church’s pastor. Trump also visited Ben Carson’s boyhood home.

SEPT. 15, 2016

Continues birtherism. In an interview with the Washington Post, Trump refuses to answer whether he believes President Obama was born in the United States.

SEPT. 16, 2016

Ends birtherism. In a 10-word statement at his D.C. hotel, Trump tells a room of supporters and media that “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.”

SEPT. 20, 2016

African-American communities are in “the worst shape ever,” Trump says at a rally in Kenansville, North Carolina. Politifact gives that a “pants on fire” rating.

SEPT. 21, 2016

Stop and frisk. While recording a town hall with FOX News’ Sean Hannity, Trump is asked about his solution to black-on-black crime and responds that he supports “stop and frisk,” which allows police to question and temporarily detain anyone. Studies have shown minorities are disproportionately detained in “stop and frisk.”

SEPT. 24, 2016

Praises African-American museum but gets name wrong. While speaking in Roanoke, Virginia, Trump praises the recently-opened National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington as “beautiful” but mistakenly calls it the “Smithsonian national Museum of American History, African-American Art”.

SEPT. 26, 2016

“Living in Hell.” At the first presidential debate, Trump states that “African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and you get shot.” He again calls for “law and order.”

OCT. 6, 2016

Still believes Central Park Five are guilty.Trump gives CNN a statement about the five men falsely imprisoned for a 1989 rape, saying “they admitted they were guilty.” Experts point to the men’s confessions as an example of police coercion. DNA evidence concluded another man committed the crime.

OCT. 9, 2016

Wrong on black poverty and narrow idea of where blacks live. During the second presidential debate, Trump equates inner cities with African-Americans and falsely states the urban black poverty rate (inflating it by nearly 20 percentage points).

OCT. 11, 2016

Apprentice contestant claims racist comment. Randal Pinkett, the first-African American champion of the show, tells the Hollywood Reporter that Trump asked him if he would share his title with the runner-up — a white woman.

OCT. 26, 2016

A new deal for black America, “uneven justice.” In Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump unveils his “new deal for black America,” pledging to push for tax holidays in U.S. cities and incentives to move foreign jobs to urban centers. He also declared there is “uneven justice.”

OCT. 27, 2016

“Ghettos.” At a rally in Toledo, Ohio, Trump refers to problem urban areas initially as “ghettos” then as the “inner city.”

NOV. 11, 2016

Specific plan for black America. A list of 10 specifics for Trump’s “new deal for black America” appears on the celebrity websiteMedia Take Out. The site says the list came from the Trump transition team.

DEC. 5, 2016

Ben Carson nominated to a mostly-white cabinet. Trump announces Ben Carson as his choice to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carson was the only African-American on the president’s initial 22-person cabinet slate and one of three minorities, along with Elaine Chao (Transportation) and Nikki Haley (United Nations). Alexander Acosta, of Hispanic descent, was later nominated to be labor secretary.

DEC. 9, 2016

Thanks African-Americans who did and didn’t vote. At a “thank you” rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump says African-American voters came through for him, arguing that those who stayed home did it in order to help him.

DEC. 13, 2016

Meetings with Jim Brown, other African-American celebrities. Trump meets with former NFL star Jim Brown to talk about a program serving African-Americans. The same day he meets with two other high-profile African-Americans: former Baltimore Ravens star Ray Lewis and hip hop artist Kanye West.

DEC. 15, 2016

Trump again thanks blacks who did not vote, this time at a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

JAN. 15, 2017

Changes African-American museum visit.ABC and others report the president would not visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan. 16) as previously discussed.

JAN. 27, 2017

Doesn’t mention Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day. President Trump’swritten statement calls for remembering “victims, survivors, heroes” but omits mention of Jews, who were the largest ethnic group affected. Politico later reportsthe State Department had drafted a version which did mention Jews, but the White House blocked its release.


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FEB. 1, 2017

Black History Month kickoff and Frederick Douglass. Trump begins Black History Month with a White House breakfast. He praises Martin Luther King Jr. and African-Americans in general. He also seemed to speak as if 19th-century abolitionist Frederick Douglass were a living person.

FEB. 16, 2017

“Are they friends of yours?” Trump asks American Urban Radio reporter April Ryan, who is African-American, in response to her question about whether he would meet with the Congressional Black Caucus. He said he would love to meet with the CBC and asks Ryan to set up a meeting. (She later tweeted that’s not her job).

FEB. 16, 2017

“I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen,” Trump says in the same news conference. He has a tense exchange with a young Jewish reporter asking about an increase in anti-Semitic acts.

FEB. 21, 2017

Visits African-American museum, denounces anti-Semitism. Trump toured and spoke at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, pledging to unite a divided country. He alsodenounces racism and anti-Semitism(following a rise in vandalism and threats nationwide).

FEB. 25, 2017

Black History Month ends. Trump uses his last weekly address of the month to praise the African-American community. He again pledges to improve education, jobs and safety.

FEB. 27, 2017

Meets black college presidents. Trump speaks with and takes an Oval Office photo with a large group of Historically Black College and University presidents.

FEB. 28, 2017

HBCU executive order. Trump signs an executive order moving the Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities to the White House and calling for greater efforts to find funding.

FEB. 28, 2017

Speech to Congress. In his first address to Congress, Trump begins by speaking about African-American history month and recent anti-Semitic crimes. He calls for unity. Black female lawmakers wear black flowers to represent concern for his stance toward minorities.

MARCH 8, 2017

Trump language has been “hurtful” to African-Americans. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., tells the president in a White House meeting that his words have been “hurtful,” “offensive,” and not helpful to the black community.

MARCH 22, 2017

Trump meets with the Congressional Black Caucus at the White House. Leaders of the group present him with a 130-page document outlining issues and ideas for the black community.

APRIL 17, 2017

White nationalist says he acted because of the president. A white nationalist leader facing charges he assaulted an African-American protester in 2016 defends himself in a court filing by claiming he was acting based on the words of then-candidate Trump.

APRIL 27, 2016

Aide: The president is trying harder than black activists. Trump’s liaison to the black community tells the Associated Press the White House “is waiting, willing to work with [the black] community” but “it’s not a one-way street.”

MAY 1, 2017

“Why was there a Civil War?” Trump asks in an interview on Sirius/XM, questioning why the Civil War couldn’t have been avoided.

MAY 5, 2017

Questions HBCU funding. In a signing statement for $1.1 trillion funding bill, the president points to $20 million in funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities as potentially being unconstitutionally based on race.

MAY 8, 2017

Supports HBCU funding. The president seemed to walk back an earlier signing message with a new statement stressing “unwavering” support for black colleges and universities.

JULY 6, 2017

“The West.” In a sweeping foreign policy speech in Poland, Trump stresses the need to protect “the West, “civilization” against forces from “the South and East” that threaten western values.

JUNE 9, 2017

Invitation to black leaders. The White House invites the entire Congressional Black Caucus for a meeting with the president.

JUNE 21, 2017

Invitation declined. The Congressional Black Caucus declines Trump’s invitation. CBC Chairman Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., writes Trump a letter charging that his administration responded to neither their policy ideas nor seven other letters or documents from the group.

JULY 25, 2017

Flip on minority jobless rate. In a speech in Toledo, Ohio, Trump says that unemployment for African-American and Hispanic youth is at its lowest since “just after the turn of the millennium.” The Washington Post calls this a flip-flop from Trump’s remarks in June 2016 calling the same rate a sign of American decline.

AUG. 12, 2017

Condemns “many sides” for Charlottesville racial violence. After a white nationalist attending a rally drove a car into a crowd, killing one protester and injuring many more, Trump condemns “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides.” He did not mention white supremacists or nationalists specifically.

AUG. 13, 2017

White House tries to clarify Trump’s words.A White House statement says “of course” the president included white supremacists in his condemnation.

AUG. 14, 2017

Trump condemns KKK, neo-Nazis.Speaking from the White House, the president says, “racism is evil” and goes on to specifically name the KKK., neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

AUG. 15, 2017

Trump again blames “both sides.” During an impromptu news conference, Trump again condemns neo-Nazis but also insisted “both sides” deserved blame for violence in Charlottesville and that counter-protesters had acted “very, very violently.” He incorrectly said protesters were “quietly” supporting the Robert E. Lee statue.

AUG. 22, 2017

“I love all the people” and Confederate statues are “our heritage.” Speaking at a rally in Phoenix, Trump lashed out at coverage of his remarks about Charlottesville, Virginia, saying he loves “all the people of our country” and repeating that “racism is evil.” He called the white nationalist driver who killed a protester in Charlottesville “a murderer.” Minutes later, Trump defended Confederate statues, charging that those who want to remove them “are trying to take our history and our heritage away.”

SEPT. 22, 2017

“Fire” players protesting over minority treatment. Trump said NFL owners should fire “son of a bytch” players who kneel during the National Anthem to protest police brutality against people of color.

SEPT. 24, 2017

Athletes “disrespecting our Flag.” As protests increase, Trump tweets that NFL players who refuse to stand during the national anthem are disrespectful.

SEPT. 30, 2017

Trump criticizes Puerto Ricans. In the aftermath of two hurricanes, Trump characterizes Puerto Ricans as “wanting everything done for them,” adding that their leaders are “not able to get their workers to help.”

NOV. 27, 2017

Trump uses name “Pocahontas” to belittle senator. At an event honoring Navajo World War II veterans, the president mockedMassachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for claiming Native American heritage, saying “they call her Pocahontas.”

NOV. 29, 2017

Far-right nationalist retweet. Trump retweeted three anti-Muslim tweets from British far-right leader Jayda Fransen, drawing widespread criticism. The White House said Trump was “elevat[ing] the conversation to talk about a real threat.”

DEC.23, 2017

Haitian immigrants and Nigerians. The New York Times reports in an Oval Office meeting in June, Trump said Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS” and Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.”

JAN. 11, 2018

“shythole countries.” At a White House meeting on immigration, Trump reportedly wonders why the U.S. was admitting people from Haiti and Africa, referring to “shythole countries” and suggesting more immigration from places like Norway.

JAN. 30, 2018

Minority unemployment. In his State of the Union address, the president highlights historic low rates of African-American and Hispanic unemployment. The LA Timesfound him to be correct about black unemployment and nearly correct on the Hispanic rate. Critics point out the president did not address the wide racial gap in employment rates overall.

MAY 16, 2018

“Animals.” Speaking at a White House roundtable on illegal immigration, Trump says: “We’re taking people out of the country … These aren’t people. These are animals.” The following day he insists he was referring only to members of the MS-13 gang.

MAY 30, 2018

Roseanne Barr tweet. Trump mocks ABC and parent company Disney after CEO Bob Iger apologized for a tweet by Roseanne Barr. The actress posted a tweet comparing former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is African-American, to an ape, prompting ABC to drop the revival of her hit sitcom. Trump writes on Twitter that Iger never apologized to him for unspecified anti-Trump remarks made on ABC.


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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

230 Things Donald Trump Has Said and Done That Make Him Unfit to Be President

How many times has Donald Trump disqualified himself from holding the most powerful job in the world? You be the judge.

So we have compiled a list of specific things that make Trump an unacceptable candidate for the presidency. Some are policy proposals that should be outside the bounds of debate, like punitive torture. Some are casual vulgarities, like his description of Rosie O’Donnell. You might not agree that each individual item on the list is disqualifying in isolation—you can vote those down, and vote up the ones you find especially egregious—but the list’s cumulative weight makes its own statement.

Recent Trump Moments

Unpresidentiality Score
Vote up or down.

Repeatedly called a deaf actress “retarded” and sexually harassed her on the set of The Apprentice
Told two 14-year-old girls, “Wow! Just think—in a couple of years, I'll be dating you.”
Suggested a reporter who accused him of sexual assault wasn't attractive enough to assault
Falsely claimed Bill Clinton “had to pay an $850,000 fine” to Paula Jones after she accused him of sexual assault
Falsely claimed he won “every poll” after the second presidential debate
Falsely claimed the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency endorsed him
Falsely claimed the Iran nuclear deal made Iran rich
Falsely claimed the U.S. economy is experiencing its slowest growth since 1929
Falsely claimed his opponent was “seen laughing on two occasions” at a 12-year-old rape victim
Posted a tweet urging voters to “check out [a critic's] sex tape,” then denied it during a debate


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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Donald Trump- Full Timeline:

Part One: Beginnings up to his Presidential Campaign
Donald Trump- Full Timeline: Part One: Beginnings up to his Presidential Campaign

So we’ll do our part and tellthe whole story, and hope that’s enough to sway some minds. So without furtherado… here’s our full timeline of Donald Trump’s worst moments (that we knowof, there are probably worse ones that we don’t):

· 1955: Per Donald Trump’s book,“The Art of the Deal”, at some point during this year, he is in second grade,and punches his music teacher in the face, giving them a blackeye because in the 8 year old Trump’s mind “he didn’t know anything about music.Today he cites this as an example of his his “tendency to stand up and let myopinions be known in a very forceful way”. Psychologists wouldclassify it as something much different.

· December 1st, 1969: Donald Trump receives his fifth deferment from militaryservice in Vietnam, for heel spurs in one of hisfeet (undisclosed which, sometimes he says both, but he never had correctivesurgery, nor can he recall the name of the doctor who diagnosed him). He oddlyparticipated in sports while attending military academy without any issuesprior to this.

· October 16th, 1973: The New YorkTimes has the first mention of Donald Trump in the media, reporting on Donald Trump and his father being sued forracial bias by the Justice Department for housing discrimination againstAfrican Americans in developmentshe and his father owned. In the following months, Trump hired Roy Cohn, theformer pal of disgraced Senator Joe McCarthy, to attempt to win a counter-suitwith the government for $100 million while hosting a press conference at theNew York Hilton to complain that the government was forcing him to rent to “welfare recipients.This would be his first, and definitely not his last foray into using racialdog whistles.

· March 7th, 1978: The New YorkTimes reports that for the second time, Trump Management is charged withracial bias in their renting practices.

· June 6th, 1980: After promisinghe would preserve priceless art deco reliefs and statues on the outside of theBonwit-Teller building after he purchased it, and donate them charitably to amuseum, New Yorkers wake up on this morning to discover Donald Trump has reneged on that promise, and hasconstruction workers demolishing what should be cherished national treasures. In the aftermath, Trump could not bereached for comment, but a Trump Corporation spokesman, John Barron, told theNew York Times, “the merit of these stones was not great enough to justify theeffort to save them.” Please remember, going forward, thatJohn Barron is an alias Trump uses to talk to the press over the phone as hisown fake publicist, and not an actual person.

· February 5th, 1983:Amazing deal-maker Donald Trump makes an offer to buy the Cleveland Indians…lowballing the current owner by only offering up $13 million dollars. He eventually would go as high as $34million in negotiations, but Cleveland’s ownership would not commit to any deal,because Trump would not commit to keeping the team in Cleveland for more than 3years, and intimated he wanted to move the team to Tampa, Florida. The MiamiHerald, in their coverage of the story, has mysterious Trump spokesman John Barron confirm that nodeal was done. This is only one of Trump’sfailed attempts to buy a baseball team, of which there are many.

· August 2nd, 1983: Trump refuses to rent properties he owns to Polish refugeesarriving in New York looking for housing,with a secretary for the Trump organization saying, ’’We weretalking about people who live in America now - not refugees. I don’t think thisis something he would consider.“

· September 23rd, 1983: Trump buys the New Jersey Generals, a franchise in the promising new USFL,that plays football in the spring. His plans are to apparently threaten theNFL’s revenue enough that they are forced to merge the two leagues as they didwith the AFL/NFL merger in the 1960s, and then Trump will have found aback-door way to get to be an NFL owner.

· April 8th, 1984: Trump plans on building a 60 story castle made of condominiumsin New York City’s Madison Avenue, complete with a moat and drawbridge. Prudential Bank was to partner on thedeal, and nixed any plans for the insane project, because it would have cost$1.5 million (about $3.5 million today, adjusted for inflation) per apartmentto even break even.

· April 20th, 1984: The New YorkTimes runs a story about how terribly the cheerleaders for the NewJersey Generals are treated by the franchise, already having caused 11 of the original 30 to quit dueto harassment they were expected to face from fans, and demeaning promotionalappearances. Lisa Edelstein, who was a cheerleader at only the age of sixteen(!) gave an interview in 2015 and classified their treatment as having been "like hookers”.

· August 12th, 1984: Donald Trump proposes building the tallest building in the world in NewYork, that would be 500 feet taller than the Sears Tower. Community planners and architectureexperts thought the idea was implausible, and a writer for the Chicago Tribune,Paul Gapp, commented on the design as “one of the silliest things anyone could inflict on New York or anyother city”. So, a few weeks later, Trump sued for libel, to the tune of the modest sum of$500 million. It got thrown out of court, ofcourse.

· July 20th, 1984: Reports begin surfacing of the USFL considering switching to playing itsgames in the fall, which would put them in directcompetition with NFL games. This idea is being kicked around league ownermeetings from… Donald Trump.

· October 18th, 1984: Trump convinces the majority of the other owners of the USFL tofile an anti-trust lawsuit against the NFL, for $1.2 billion, saying the NFL was deliberately tryingto monopolize and cut into the USFL’s profits. Stay tuned for the result ofthat lawsuit…

· November 15th, 1984: DonaldTrump gives an interview to the Washington Post where he talks of his desire to handle the United States’nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union, while admitting he knew little tonothing about missiles,and providing no explanation on his plans. (At least on that last part, a lackof details, he hasn’t changed.)

Last edited:


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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
February 1st, 1985: Trump contacts the media to tell them he had “struck oil” on property he owned on the New York’s Upper WestSide, saying “we could be pumping here foryears.This, of course, was classic Trump exaggeration… the oil was rougly 100,000gallons of oil that had spilled on the property, an oil rail yard, over theprevious decades. It classified more as an environmental hazard than an oilstrike. (The fact that Donald can’t tell the difference should concern anyonewith any concern for the country’s environment, should he be electedpresident.)

· April 2nd, 1985: Donald Trump asks for reimbursement for the contract of New JerseyGenerals player Doug Flutie from the USFL office, because he felt he had “overpaid” for him.This is as literal an example of Trump reneging on a business deal as you canget, however, this news story is noteworthy because Trump Organization VicePresident (and fake person) John Barron was interviewed a lot in the article…

· July 30th, 1986: After almosttwo years of litigation… a jury finds the NFL guilty on only one of nine counts inthe anti-trust lawsuit Donald Trump filed, and a six-person jury awards theUSFL damages of… $1. Not one billion dollars. Notone million dollars. A single dollar. But don’t worry, in antitrust cases,damages are tripled… so the USFL got $3. Steve Ehrhart, the USFL’s executive director, has keptthat check, and never cashed it.The league soon cancels its 1986 season, and goes out of business.

· November 1st, 1987: Trumppublishes his first book, “The Art of the Deal” that was co-writtenby Tony Schwartz (who does not have many kind words to say about The Donaldthese days, so much so that Trump’s lawyers have threatened legalaction if he keeps talking).Trump promises that proceeds from the sales of this book will go to charitiesresearching cures for AIDS or multiple sclerosis. The book is a rare successfor Trump, sell millions of copies, so one might think, that meant a lot ofmoney to charity, right? Wrong. Investigations in recent years have shown heactually donated far less than promised, and Trump spent more money on his daughter’s ballet lessonsthan he ever did on the charities he pledged to donate to.

· November 2nd, 1987: The dayafter the huge book release party for “The Art of the Deal”, whichcost well over $100,000… Trump tries to convince his ghost writer, Tony Schwartz,that since they wrote the book together, they had to split the cost of theparty together, evenly.Yes, Trump is this much of a back-stabbing skinflint.

· December 18th, 1988: Just whatnobody wanted… Donald Trump releases “Trump: The Game” a board gamethat is best described as critics as “a really dumb version of Monopoly”. We submit toyou the commercial for the game upon its release, and please note that Donald Trump promisedthe proceeds from sales for the game would go to charity. That was also asurprised at the time to Milton Bradley executives, who had never discussedsuch a donation. (Hint: He never donated the money to charity.)

· August 17th, 1989:Donald Trump, having learned nothing from his disastrous involvement in theUSFL that killed the budding football league, begins making serious overtures towards creating a rival baseballleague to MLB, and talks about being a potential franchise owner in NorthernNew Jersey. This time, his rival sportsleague is only empty, boastful talk, and nothing ever comes to fruition.

· September 5th, 1989: Trumpexpressed his envy towards some African-Americans, in less-than-eloquent termsin an NBC News special about race:

A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over awell-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black maythink they don’t have an advantage or this and that… I’ve said on oneoccasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be awell-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.’’



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May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
May 1st, 1989: After a woman wasraped in Central Park, the NYPD originally arrested five suspects, four AfricanAmericans and one of them Hispanic. Trump did not just comment on the “Central Park Five”at the time, Trump took out a full page ad in all four major New Yorknewspapers saying they should be “given the death penalty. The problem was, they were innocent, andhad been coerced by law enforcement into making false confessions. Eventually asixth man was caught and was convicted of the crime, confessing to actingalone, and DNA evidence confirmed his story.

· June 8th, 1989: Trump launches Trump Airlines aka Trump Shuttle by purchasingEastern Airlines. The Wall Street Journalarticle from the first day already acknowledged Trump’s promise of guaranteedseats on each flight was broken, forcing some travelers to book with otherairlines. After a few years of mismanagement, and with Trump feeling the impactof the Gulf War causing jet fuel prices to double (likely to be part of thereason he would go on to suggest the United States should just “take theoil” in the Middle East during the second Iraq War), Trump Shuttle was sold off to U.S. Air in 1992, to raisecapitol during one of Trump’s bankruptcies.

· March 1st, 1990: Trump appears on the cover of Playboy Magazine. (Unironically, the 2016 Republican PartyPlatform that Trump is running on has a plank in it that declares pornographyto be a public health crisis.)

· July 12th, 1990: Under oath, in court after being accused of hiring 200illegal immigrants for construction labor (his defense was he didn’t know),Donald Trump admits to using the aliases “John Barron” and “JohnMiller” in business conducted over the phone. This would be the same “JohnBaron” who called the press ten years earlier during demolitions of theBonwit-Teller building, and five years earlier in the Doug Flutie story in theNew York Times. As we now know today, for well over a decade, Trump would make phone calls, andclaim to be one of these other pseudonyms who “represented DonaldTrump as an executive of the Trumpcorporation, or his publicist.

· August 19th, 1990: Astory in the Sun-Sentinel is published about how Donald Trump was pressuring his then-girlfriend, andfuture second wife, Marla Maples, to pose nude in Playboy Magazine, with Maples eventually rejecting theoffer, which Donald so nobly negotiated on her behalf.

· April 9th, 1991:Donald Trump, with his empire under crushing debt, found a unique, but illegalway to procure funds to keep his hotels and casinos afloat… he gets his daddy,Fred Trump, to loan him money again. But they want to make sure that taxcollectors don’t get the money, so they make the cash drop in the form Fredbuying seven hundred $5000 chips at Trump Castle Casino. For this illegal loan,Donald Trump and Trump Castle are fined $30,000 forviolating the Casino Control Act.

· July 8th, 1991: Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist, pretendinghe’s actually “John Miller” while on the phone in an interview withSue Carswell of People Magazine.It was also how Trump’s second wife, Marla Maples, found out that Donald wasleaving her, when she was one of the people called upon to listen to therecording of John Miller, and confirm that it was her husband, saying he wasleaving her. Oh, and “John Miller” said that Donald was datingItalian supermodel Carla Bruni, who when asked by The Daily Mail if she was,in fact, dating Trump, refuted the claim, and said he was “a lunatic”.(We agree with Ms. Bruni.)

· July 14th, 1991: According to a1991 tell-all book written by a Trump colleague, John O’Donnell, Trump had other thoughts on African Americans working forhim as accountants, in relation to Jews:

“Black guyscounting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my moneyare short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

O’Donnell’sbook also notes Trump saying:

“Laziness is atrait in blacks.”

Andwhile you might want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt for saying whatO’Donnell quoted him as saying… well, in a 1997 Playboy interview, Trump admitted they were “probably truebefore calling O’Donnell a “f***ing loser”.

· May 1st, 1991: Trump laughed offdetractors in an interview with Esquire Magazine, saying, “You know, it doesn’t really matter whatthe media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

· July 18th, 1991: Donald Trump files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the first time, for the Trump Taj Mahal casino. Themaneuver costs him a 50% stake in the casino, Trump Shuttle, and a282 foot yacht.

· January 1st, 1992: The book”Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth: The Deals, TheDownfall, The Reinvention“is released, and features a passage where it is revealed he once pitched an idea to Playboy Magazine that theywould run a nude photo spread of his most attractive female staffers.

· March 9th, 1992: Trump files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy again, for the second timein a year, this time for Trump Castle andTrump Plaza. He loses half his stake in the New York Plaza to Citibank.

· March 22nd, 1992: After over twoyears of court battles, Donald Trump finalizes his divorce from his first wife,Ivana, after having an affair withMarla Maples.

· September 12th, 1992: Trump isat a charity event, and spots Marie Brenner, a reporter who wrote a story about hisdivorce from Ivana Trumpin September of 1990, that he didn’t care for. So, like a coward, Donald decides to enact petty revenge by dumping wine downthe back of her dress. He later brags about this event to others in interviews, but exaggerates that the glass was anentire bottle. (Remember this when Donald talks about his feelings about thefreedom of the press.)

· November 9th, 1992: Trump givesan interview to New York Magazine where he gives his views on women, and says, “You’ve got to treat ‘em like s***.”



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December 25th, 1992: DonaldTrump is featured on Entertainment Tonight’s Christmas edition, where, oncamera, he sees a ten year old girl, asks her how oldshe is, and when he gets his answer, says, ”Maybe I’ll be dating you in ten years.” He’s 46 years old at the time. Doing the math, he hoped to be dating her when she is 20 and he is 56, and that equals creepy.

· October 6th, 1993: Trump has anongoing lawsuit with the federal government, because he feels it is an unfairadvantage that a Native American tribe, the Pequots, have a casino on theirlands in Connecticut and as a result, don’t have to pay taxes on it. He wascalled to testify before Congress about his grievance, where he claimed theywould be pulling down half a billion dollars a year, tax free, and warned oforganized crime figures leveraging their casinos, saying, “It will be the biggest scandal ever, thebiggest since Al Capone … . An Indian chief is going to tell Joey Killer toplease get off his reservation? It’s unbelievable to me.” But,after discarding his seven-page prepared speech because it was “toopolitically correct” (yes, he was against politicalcorrectness almost a quarter century ago), Trump blew the minds of everyonepresent when he started insinuating that the Pequot weren’t actually NativeAmericans because, “They don’t look Indian to me.” This drew a strong rebuke fromCongressman George Miller, who pointed out that during an uglier time in ourcountry, people would comment that someone does not “look Jewish” or“look black” and that people would be denied loans based on theirethnicity. Trump, though, seemed unfazed by that sort of prejudice being wrong.

· January, 1994: Not content tojust be interviewed in Playboy, Donald Trump appears in a soft-corepornography Playboy Centerfold: 40th Anniversary film.

· March 10th, 1994: Trump is interviewed by Nancy Collins on ABC’sPrimetime Live, where he gives a longinterview filled with misogynistic answers, including where he discusses howit’s a “dangerous thing” to let your wife work, and defending his previouscomments about how it’s important to treat one’s wife “roughly” for a goodmarriage.

· Summer, 1994: Trump frequentlyattends parties hosted by financier Jeffrey Epstein,a friend of his at the time for seven years, who eventually would be revealedto frequently hire child prostitutes as “entertainment” for himselfand others. It is at four of these parties that he is later accused ofhaving sexual contact with a thirteen year old girl, once by forcing himself upon the victimphysically.

· September 1st, 1994: DonaldTrump is interviewed by Robin Leach of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, andwhen asked what parts of his daughter Tiffany inherited from him, versus onesfrom her mother, Marla Maples, he bizarrely answers:

She’s a very beautiful baby. She’s gotMarla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not"—Trump then put his hands tohis chest to indicate breasts—"she’s got this part yet, but time will tell.”

Yes,he just sexualized his one-year old daughter. You may pause from reading now togo take a shower.

· May 17th, 1996:Donald Trump owns the Miss Universe Pagaent, and it is held in Las Vegas,Nevada, with the winner being Miss Venezuela, Alicia Machado. Over the course of the next year, in dealing with Trump atappearances as the holder of the crown, Trump would harass Machado over herweight, calling her “Miss Piggy” (at times inviting the media to come and watch herexercise), or alternatively, denigrating her as a Latina by calling her “Miss Housekeeping.

· May 1st, 1997: Trump appears inan interview in Playboy Magazine for the second time, where he was interviewedat his Mar-a-Lago estate by Mark Bowden, the man who would go on to write“Black Hawk Down”. Among the takeaways… Trump was a pathological liar, terribly vain, and lost histemper when he discovered a water cooler had been installed on his tenniscourts that he wasn’t expecting. In a rage, he struck it… causing it to fall off its moorings andbeing a flood on the court, causing him to shuffle away with Bowdenembarrassed, and asking if that would end up in the article. It did. Pleasealso note Donald poses on the statues of two parrots having sex in theinterview, which he apparently thought was classy. So classy, that he also posed for a photo with his teenage daughter Ivankaon it.

· May 2nd, 1997: Trump files for divorce from his second wife, Marla Maples, certainly not coincidentally only daysbefore the prenuptial agreement the two signed before their wedding was toreach a date that would have changed Marla’s settlement in the divorce from $1million to $5 million. The divorce is finalized in 1999.

· May 19th, 1997: Trump tries petitioning New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to have a massivestatue of Christopher Columbusbuilt in New York City (This would be the same Christopher Columbus that historians often note hunted the native populations of theCaribbean for sport, and had him stripped of hisviceroy status by the King and Queen of Spain as a result.), that would be madeof bronze, built by a Russian architect (who made statues of Peter the Great in Russia so ugly that peopletried to blow them up), and be even six feet tallerthan the Statue of Liberty.Because Trump’s things must always be the biggest,even bigger than the icon that welcomes immigrants into the country.

· August 20th, 1997: Donald Trumpis the new owner of the Miss Teen USA pageant, and in full nepotistic daddymode, makes his 15 year old daughter Ivanka the co-host of the pageant. What’smore interesting, though, is that four underage contestants recall Donald Trumpwalking in on them backstage while they were changing, assuring them, “It’s nothingthat I haven’t seen before.” One of those four contestantsmentioned it to Ivanka, who commented, “Yeah, he does that.”

· October 27th, 1997: Trumpreleases his second book, “The Art of the Comeback”, which features his belief that asbestos is not dangerous, and there is amafia conspiracy to stop its use.



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1997-2008: These are scatteredthrough most of the next decade, but feel free to peruse a list of some of the most misogynist and disgustingthings said about women by Donald Trump as a guest on the Howard Stern Showover the course of a decade.That includes the time when Stern asked Trump if he would leave hiswife, Melania, if she were horribly disfigured in a car accident and he askedfor the qualifier, “How are her breasts?”

· October 19th, 1999: Playboy Magazine releases a soft core pornographic film,“Playboy Video Centerfold: 2000 Playmates Bernaola Twins” on this date, whichis relevant to this article because it had a cameo of none other than Donald J.Trump.

· November 17th, 1999: Whileteasing a presidential run, The Donald mused, “I think the only difference between meand the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are morebeautiful.”

· February 4th, 2000: DonaldTrump, now an owner of the Miss USA pageant, invites himself backstage to leer at thecontestants changing in the nude. He later brags about this to Howard Stern, and one of the contestants in theUSA pageant later confirms that yes, Donald was peeping on the women as theyprepared for the contest.

· September 15th, 2000: DonaldTrump is sent a letter by film documentary creator Mike Tollin, who includes arough cut of the story of the USFL, still thanking him and inviting him if hewould be interested in attending the premiere. After watching the film, andseeing so many USFL personalities blaming him for killing the league, Trumpresponds, “A third rate documentary. And extremelydishonest (as you know). Best Wishes, Donald Trump. P.S. : YOU ARE A LOSER.”Suffice to say, he did not attend.

· December 19th, 2000: DonaldTrump admits in an intervew with the New York Daily News that because he wasangry about disputes over the inheritance of his father Fred Trump’s estatehaving no money go towards the family of Trump’s late brother, Freddie, Donald Trump canceled the health insurancepolicy of his own nephew William Trump, out of petty revenge.

· April 3rd, 2001: Donald Trump appears in yet another Playboy documentaryfeaturing fully nude women,this time his cameo is backstage at a Playboy fashion runway show with hisgirlfriend (and future third wife) Melania Knauss.

· September 11th, 2002: On anepisode of Howard Stern, Donald Trump is asked if he thinks the United Statesshould go to war in Iraq and says, “I guess so.” (These days, Trump insists he was ALWAYSagainst the Iraq War.)

· March 24th, 2004: Trump gavethis misogynistic re-write of reality to the New York Daily News:

All of the women on The Apprenticeflirted with me—consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

· August 10th, 2004: Donald Trump files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy a third time, this time for Trump Hotels and CasinoResorts. It is $1.8 billion in debt at the time.

· September 2004: Trump, on HowardStern, is asked by Stern if he can refer to Trump’sdaughter as “a piece of ass”. Donald approves of her being referred to in this manner.

· September 23rd, 2004: Trump launches “Trump World Magazine”, whose monthly content is mostly ads you’dfind in Sky Mall, if you were a nouveau-riche wanker trying to look richer thanyou actually were. Print, they say, is dying or already dead, and it folded in May of 2009, because people really couldn’t afford the caviar andyachts that magazine liked to talk about, in between news updates about whathijinks Donald was getting into from publicists that may or may not have stillbeen Donald.

· October 22nd, 2004: HurricaneWilma makes landfall as it passes over Florida, doing massive amounts ofdamage. After disaster relief aid becomes available, Donald Trump requests $17million in aid due to damage to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Of course, inhindsight, Trump may have been taking money based onexaggerated or non-existent damages,because Trump’s butler and estate historian, Anthony Senecal, claims the estatehas neversustained major damage from a hurricane, and only two weeks later, DonaldTrump, Jr. was married at Mar-a-Lago, and none of the many photos of thatwedding show any damage, whatsoever.


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· December 17th, 2004:Donald Trump appears on Don Imus’ radio show, where the two discuss thestatutory rape arrest of Florida teacher Debra Lafave, which Trump seems comfortable with because the teacher was “not bad” looking, and the 14 year old boy she sexually assaultedcould have been “given confidence” by the encounter with Lafave.

· December 19th, 2004: Just intime for Christmas, Trump releases “Trump: The Cologne”, retailing at $60. User reviews were thatit smelled like “Jamba Juice”, or “upscale strip clubs”.Bottles can today be found only on for $10, after Macy’s dropped thescent in 2015 because Donald Trump decided to go and say that all Mexicans arerapists.

· May 23rd, 2005: Trump beginsTrump University, a real-estate education course whose online, and in-personseminars were quickly noted to be worthless by those taking them. The businessmodel was to make people spend as much money on as many useless classes as theycould. It folded in 2010, and class-action lawsuits against the TrumpCorporation are still under way to the present day. We will not get to seeDonald Trump’s depositions in the case before the 2016 election, however, Trumpwill be required to stand trial for racketeering and fraudin November, after the election.

· July 21st, 2005: Donald Trumptestifies before Congress, claiming he could quickly renovate the United NationsBuilding, and complaining about government regulations against asbestos, whichhe thinks could have prevented the Twin Towers from falling on 9/11 if more ofit was used in the buildings.As intelligent people know, asbestos is highly carcinogenic. Also, they mightknow that early construction on the World Trade Center did use asbestos intheir construction, and the dust from that asbestos being pulverized in thebuildings’ collapse is a lot of the reason why so many of the 9/11 first responders began developingcancer. So maybe that’s not somethingwe should start using again, Donald.

· October 23rd, 2005: Donald Trumpgets himself a cameo on an episode of the soap opera “Days of Our Lives”. Ofcourse he’s going to want publicity galore for the appearance, so AccessHollywood covers his appearance on the set, sending reporter Billy Bush tointerview Trump on set. Little did Bush know, he was about to get one of themost vulgar and sexist rants Donald Trump had ever said about women, as hestalked actress Arianne Zucker. The outtakes from the interview, conducted onlymonths after Trump married his third wife, Melania::

Trump: “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it.”

Off-camera voice: “Whoa.”

Trump: “I did try and f— her. She was married. And I moved onher very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to getsome furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’ Imoved on her like a bytch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Thenall of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony t*ts and everything.She’s totally changed her look.”

(Trump and Bush appear to notice ArianneZucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.)

Billy Bush: “Your girl’s hot as s—, in the purple.”

Trump: “Whoa! Whoa! I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case Istart kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I juststart kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And whenyou’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Bush: “Whatever you want?

Trump: “Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything.”

· December 2005: Donald Trump, inyet another appearance on the Howard Stern show, refers to his own wife Melania, who ispregnant with his son Barron, a “blimp” and a “monster.

· December 2005: At Trump’sMar-aLago estate, People Magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoffmeets with Trump for an interview, and per her account, is sexually assaultedby Trump, who tries to force himself onher, only to be interrupted by his butler. Eventually, Melania Trump, pregnantwith son Barron arrives, and Donald goes from, “We’re going to have an affair,it’ll be the best sex ever…” to a doting husband.

· January 29th, 2006: An investigation by the New York Daily News discoversDonald Trump collected a $150,000 recovery grant meant for small businesses inNew York after 9/11, in spite of his businesses nothaving been physically damaged by the attacks, and that the Trump Corporationis hardly a “small business”.


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· February 27th, 2006: Whilepromoting The Apprentice Season 5, Trump appears with his children, Ivanka andDonald Jr., and the three are given a math quiz. Trump fails to successfully multiply 17 x 6 as equaling112, and insists he got the answer correct anyway. (Note, this explains how he ends up filingfor bankruptcy so much, and is a prime example of how he just attempts to re-writereality rather than admit when he’s wrong.)

At another point in the interview, Howard Stern asks Trump is he knows anythingabout sexual predators, leading co-host Robin Quivers to quip, “Well, you areone.” Without missing a beat, Trump chuckles and says, “It’s true.”

· October 2006: Trump is on HowardStern’s radio show again, and discusses how his daughter Ivanka looks “more voluptuous than ever”, and starts discussing if her breasts are natural orimplants.

· April 3rd, 2006: Trump launches Trump Mortgages LLC, and with his infinitebusiness wisdom and being one of the biggest bankruptcy failures in historyalready quips, “It’s a great time to start amortgage company!”at the launch. The company is out of business by August 2007, because, y'know, home mortgage crisis.(Still want to grant this man stewardship over the American economy?)

· June 4th, 2006: While doing aninterview on The View, Trump is asked if he would be comfortable if hisdaughter Ivanka posed for Playboy. After brushing off the possibility of iteven happening, he added something pretty damned creepy:

If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhapsI’d be dating her.

· December 6th, 2006: Trump’s feudwith Rosie O’Donnell reached its peak, with him making statements about herweight or appearance like, “You take a look at her, she’s a slob. Shetalks like a, like a truck driver.”

· January 17th, 2007: Donald Trumplaunches his not-at-all successful venture, Trump Vodka,and promises that proceeds from the liquor’s sale would be donated to thecharity Mothers Against Drunk Driving.(Hint: Mothers Against Drunk Driving never saw a dime, and told Trumpwhen he originally wanted to work with them that it would be wrong to acceptmoney from liquor sale profits for their charity… yet he promoted his productsaying the donation would take place.) Oh, and Trump Vodka’s distillery wentbankrupt by 2010, and was sold to… wait for it… a Mexican company.

· March 16th, 2007: Donald Trumpappears on CNN to be interviewed by Wolf Blitzer, and begins criticizing the United States for not yet withdrawing alltroops from Iraq. During his 2016 Presidentialcampaign, of course, he likes to criticize the Obamaadministration for doing precisely this, which was required because of a treaty signed byPresident George W. Bushprior to Obama taking office.

· March 23rd, 2007: Donald Trump,now helping host the Miss USA Pageant with NBC, tries to have Nancy O’Dell, a co-host of thepageant fired by the network because she got pregnant. It’s even more spiteful because the audiofrom Access Hollywood from

· October 23rd, 2005 involves Trump conversation withBilly Bush about a woman who rejected his advances… Nancy O’Dell was themarried woman Trump tried to, as he so eloquently put it… “f***”.

· April 1st, 2007: Trump appears atWrestlemania XXIII, where he shaves VinceMcMahon’s head before falling victim to a Stone Cold Stunner from pro-wrestlinglegend Stone Cold Steve Austin.

· May 8th, 2007: Donald Trump has the launch party for Trump Steaks, which he wanted to market through themail-order catalog, Sharper Image. For just $199 you could get two filetmignons, two cowboy bone-in rib-eyes and 12 burgers, or for $999 you got 24burgers and 16 steaks. People at Sharper Image at the time now recall “we soldalmost no steaks”. The venture failed within literally two months,but that’s because people won’t buy $45 mail order steaks and $3 hamburgerswhen the economy is collapsing. Heck, probably not when the economy is healthy.

· January 15th, 2008:Trump, on his periodic radio show, talks about a news story from Saudi Arabiawhere a man found his wife at home, watching a game show, and got to divorceher because it was as if she was cheating on him by keeping company with theman hosting the game show on television. Trump then praised Sharia Law is because it lets a man soeasily divorce his wife, and find her at fault.


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· February 11th, 2010:Trump gives an interview with CNN reporter Becky Anderson to promote TheApprentice, where he states his belief that he’s successful because of hisgenes, saying, “I’m a gene believer… hey when youconnect two race horses you get usually end up with a fast horse.

· September 9th, 2010: In thebuildup to the 2010 elections, FOX News and candidates from the RepublicanParty in the Tea Party Wave began making a big fuss about a supposed “GroundZero Victory Mosque” being built on the site ofGround Zero in New York City. The site was actually several blocks away, butseveral public figures were fanning the flames of anti-Islamic bigotry. And whoelse would show up to join in for some free publicity based on those sorts ofthoughts but… yes, Donald Trump. Trump started hitting the news cycle to offerto “solve” the problem by buying up the real estate from the investors trying to build thePark51 Islamic cultural center, conveniently timed right before the ninthanniversary of 9/11.

· February 10th, 2011: Trump,speaking at CPAC, insists that Barack Obama never attended ColombiaUniversity, because no one there “ever saw him” or “knows who he is.Yes, it’s a ridiculous claim.

· February 17th, 2009: DonaldTrump files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the fourth time, thistime for all of Trump Entertainment Resorts. This occurred after it missed a bond payment of $53.1million, and its total debts at this time were $1.74 billion.

· March 6th, 2011: The latestseason of Celebrity Apprentice debuts, whose runner-up that season is formerOscar winning actress Marlee Matlin, who is deaf-mute. Per at least threemembers of staff who worked on the show, Donald Trump frequently referred to Matlin as“retarded.

· March 30th, 2011: Trump trulystarts dipping his toe into the pool of the Birther movement, discussing President Obama’s birth certificate with Laura Ingraham,and saying the “missing one” says he’s a Muslim.

· March 21st, 2011: Trump brags on Fox News about “screwing” Libyan dictator Muammar Qadaffi in a real estate deal.

· March 31st, 2011: Trump gives arather naïve view of foreign policy, wondering why the United States left Iraq, because weshould have stayed and “kept the oil”.

· April 1st, 2011: A New YorkTimes opinion writer receives a copy of one of her articles in the mail, returned to her by Donald Trump with her photo in thebyline circled by Trump with the comment, “Face like a dog.

· April 7th, 2011: Donald Trumpdedicated himself even further to the Birther cause, saying he “had real doubts” thatPresident Obama was born in Hawaii,and claimed he had hired private eyes to research the matter in an interview onThe Today Show. Note: No investigation’s results are ever given.

· April 14th, 2011: Trump had theaudacity to say he has “a great relationship with the blacks”.

· April 15th, 2011: Donald Trumpis interviewed by Sean Hannity,and says President Obama’s real birth name is “Barry Soetero.

· April 28th, 2011: Trump speaksin Las Vegas, and gives his ideas for the global economy… like threateningChina and OPEC with the word “f***”.

· April 30th, 2011: Donald Trumpis humiliated at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, being lambasted byPresident Obama himself in front of the assembled media for his active campaignto inflame the Birther Conspiracy Theory,days after the state of Hawaii releases his long form birth certificate.

· May 1st, 2011: Trump gives histhoughts as to why he’s against gay marriage to the New York Times:

“It’s like in golf … A lot of people– I don’t want this to sound trivial – but a lot of people are switching tothese really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these greatplayers with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footersanymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friendswho happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.”



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April 12th, 2012: Trump releasesa video blog where he posits a new conspiracy theory… President Obama made a deal with Saudi Arabia to keep gasprices low until after the 2012 election to help him win it, just until after he won a second term,they would return to high values (Hint: they remained low through his secondterm).

· August 24th, 2012, The Donaldweighs in on alternative energies on Twitter in the dumbest way:

“It’s Friday. How many bald eagles didwind turbines kill today? They are an environmental & aestheticdisaster.”

Funfact… wind turbines kill fewer birds than tall buildings do each year. Youknow, like the tall buildings Trump builds and is compelled by ego to plasterhis name on.

· August 28th, 2012: For whateverreason, Trump decided to take a shot at Arianna Huffington on Twitter, saying shewas “unattractive both inside andout. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made agood decision.

· October 11th, 2012: Trump gets on Twitter to link to an article from the paranoidconspiracy website WorldNetDaily that President Obama wears a “secret ring” with “Arabic writing” on it that could mean he’s a Muslim.

· October 17th, 2012: DonaldTrump, on Twitter, posits his theory that President Obama will “start a war” to help win the upcoming election in four weeks.

· October 28th, 2012: Trumpstarted a feud on Twitter with Bette Midler for no discernible reason, postingthis self-contradictory statement on Twitter, that is the only time Trumppretends to be politically correct (and fails at it):

While @BetteMidler is an extremelyunattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on beingpolitically correct.

· October 29th, 2012: Donald Trumpappears on the Late Show with David Letterman, where he talks about how “their leadersare so much smarter than our leaders” and is saying he thinks“MittRomney can turn it around” and help stimulate the Americaneconomy versus the Chinese one. Letterman,always pretty honest about being liberal and unafraid to push back againstguests, pulls out some of Trump’s clothing line, and points out that the tagsall say the garments are “Made in Bangladesh” or “Made inChina”. Trump, visibly embarrassed,sheepishly shrugs it off and agrees with Letterman’s sentiment that he shouldclose down his foreign factories and instead open one in Jamaica, Queens, NewYork . He does not do this, of course. (The interview segment will later bebrilliantly used by the Clinton campaign to point out Trump’s hypocrisy onoutsourcing jobs.)

· November 6th, 2012: Trump againputs his foot in his mouth on Twitter, claiming that global warming was a concept created by theChinese to find a way to make U.S. manufacturing less competitive.

· April 2nd, 2013: Trump filed a $5 million lawsuit against comedian Bill Maher formaking a joke that Donald Trump’s father was a chimpanzee.

· April 7th, 2013:on an episode ofCelebrity Apprentice, Trump joked about how he thought it would be a “pretty picture” to see former Playboy model and Baywatch star BrandeRoderick “on her knees.

· May 7th, 2013: Trump decides totackle the topic of military sexual assault on Twitter, seemingly thinking thatit’s an expected outcome of an army made up of both sexes:

“26,000 unreported sexual assaults inthe military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they putmen & women together?”

Becauseevery gender-integrated workplace has a problem with rape, right? (No, no theydon’t. Jesus.)


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· June 18th, 2013: Donald Trumpgoes on Twitter to talk about the Miss Universe pageant, and how he hoped Vladimir Putin would attend and “become my new best friend.

· October 3rd, 2013: Trump appearson Larry King Live where he praisesVladimir Putin for how he has “outsmarted our country.

· November 9th, 2013: Trump goes to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, andstays at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel there.This would be the hotel visit later mentioned in the Steele dossier.

· November 11th, 2013: Trump gives a Twitter shout-out to Aras Agalorov, Russian oligarch, talking about making aTrump Tower in Moscow, and praising Aras’ son, Emin (remember those names).

· November 18th, 2013: Trump getson Twitter, and claims there are polls that show dead people voted forObama in the 2012 election.

· November 20th, 2013:Trump makes a cameo in Russian pop star Emin Agalorov’s videofor the song “In Another Life”.(This would be the same Emin Agalorov whose father is a Russian oligarch wholater contacts Donald Trump, Jr. to send a Russian government lawyer to meetwith him at Trump Tower during the 2016 elections.)

· December 12th, 2013: DonaldTrump suspects foul play when the Hawaiian State Health Directordies in a plane crash, as part of a cover up ofObama’s birth certificate.

· March 21st, 2014: Again, Trump praises Vladimir Putin, saying he would “rebuild the Russian Empire.

· April 17th, 2014: Yet again, Donald Trump goes on Twitter to praise Vladimir Putin,while insulting President Obama.

· April 23rd, 2014: Trump is onTwitter again to claim that the statistics showing the percentage of peoplewithout health insurance were coming down since the implementation of theAffordable Care Act were not accurate, and they were “manipulated.

· May 27th, 2014: Before theNational Press Club, Donald Trump talks at length about having met VladimirPutin, and his respect for him, saying:

I was in Moscow recently and I spoke,indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer,and we had a tremendous success. The show was live from Moscow and we hadtremendous success there and it was amazing, but to do well, you have to getthe other side to respect you, and he does not respect our president, which isvery sad.”

· June 21st, 2014: New York Citysettled a civil suit with the “Central Park Five”, young men theywrongly convicted of sexual assault and incarcerated for years, awarding them$40 million for the miscarriage of justice. And who decided to comment on thepayout? Donald Trump, of course, the guy who 25 years earlier said they should“begiven the death penalty”! Trump referred to the suspect’s 2014 settlement as “the heist of the century.Yeah, effectively he still thought of them as rapists, and now they werethieves, too. Of course, this wouldn’t be the last time The Donald would accuseminorities of being rapists out of hand…

· August 1st, 2014: Trump got on Twitter to weigh in on the Ebola Virus, and to criticize the decision to take U.S.citizens working as care workers from Africa back to quarantined containmentfacilities in the United States to be treated.

· August 25th, 2014: Donald Trump,on Twitter, accuses the Obama administration of dealing arms to ISIS. In a later tweet eight days later, he saysthe gun-running operation was going through Benghazi.

· September 3rd, 2014: Trump goeson Twitter to join up with the anti-vaccination movement and complain about vaccines that treat more than one diseaseat once, saying, “tiny children are not horses.

· October 2nd, 2014: Trump gets onTwitter to claim that the Centers of Disease control are lying to theAmerican public about the Ebola Virus, and it is “much easier to transmit than they areadmitting.

· October 16th, 2014: Donald Trumpwarns of Mexican immigrants bringing Ebola Virus into theUnited States in an interview with Iowaconservative talk show host Steve Deace. (Remember, it’s a disease whoseorigins are in Africa, and there has never been a single case in Mexico.)

· October 23rd, 2014: Trump, onTwitter, demands President Obama resign because of the Ebola Viruscrisis.

· November 17th, 2014: Trump, onTwitter, accuses President Obama of manipulating the statisticsregarding the number of deportations of illegal immigrants taking place, insisting that the true number is a “record low”.

· November 25th, 2014: Trump waxedphilosophically about the legacy of President Obama:

Sadly, because President Obama has donesuch a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president forgenerations!

· April 4th, 2015: Trump goesafter Arianna Huffington again on Twitter, calling her a “dog.

· April 17th, 2015: Trump gets onTwitter to take a sexist pot-shot at Hillary Clinton:

If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy herhusband what makes her think she can satisfy America?

Ina rare moment of retracting his words, the post was quickly deleted.

· April 27th, 2015: Trump alsothought his opinion on civil unrest in Baltimore was something worth getting onsocial media to talk about, blaming the behavior of those present on BarackObama, as well:

Our great African American Presidenthasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openlydestroying Baltimore.”


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Timeline of Trump administration's civil and human rights rollbacks

In its first year, the Trump administration has launched an across-the-board assault on our nation's civil and human rights. Today, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights issued a timeline of the Trump administration’s rollbacks on civil and human rights. That list is below and is available at

On January 27, Trump signed an executive order – the first version of his Muslim travel ban — that discriminated against Muslims and banned refugees.

On January 31, under new FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s leadership, refused to defend critical components of its prison phone rate rules in federal court – rules that were ultimately struck down in June.

On February 3, Trump signed an executive order outlining principles for regulating the U.S. financial system and calling for a 120-day review of existing laws, like the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The order was viewed as Trump’s opening attack on consumer protection laws.

On February 3, the FCC rescinded its 2014 Joint Sales Agreement (JSA) guidance, which had led to the only increase in television diversity in recent years.

On February 3, FCC Chairman Pai revoked the Lifeline Broadband Provider designations for nine broadband service providers, reducing the number of providers offering broadband and thus decreasing the competitive forces available to drive down prices.

On February 9, Trump signed three executive orders “to fight crime, gangs, and drugs; restore law and order; and support the dedicated men and women of law enforcement.” The orders, though vague, were viewed suspiciously by civil rights organizations.

On February 21, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo updating immigration enforcement guidance, massively expanding the number of people subject to detention and deportation. The guidance drastically increased the use of expedited removal and essentially eliminated the priorities for deportation.

On February 22, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights jointly rescinded Title IX guidance clarifying protections under the law for transgender students.

On February 23, Attorney General Sessions withdrew an earlier Justice Department memo that set a goal of reducing and ultimately ending the department’s use of private prisons.

On February 27, the Department of Justice dropped the federal government’s longstanding position that a Texas voter ID law under legal challenge was intentionally racially discriminatory, despite having successfully advanced that argument in multiple federal courts. The district court subsequently rejected the position of the Sessions Justice Department and concluded the law was passed with discriminatory intent.

On March 6, Trump signed a revised executive order restricting travel to the United States by citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen and drastically cutting back refugee admissions.

On March 6, a week after Trump called on lawmakers to repeal the Affordable Care Act during his address to Congress, House Republicans released a proposal to replace the ACA with a law that would restructure Medicaid and defund Planned Parenthood.

On March 16, the Trump administration released a budget blueprint that proposed a $54 billion increase in military spending that would come from $54 billion in direct cuts to non-defense programs. The blueprint also proposed spending $4.1 billion through 2018 on the beginnings of construction of a wall through communities on the U.S.-Mexico border.

On March 27, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed a U.S. Department of Education accountability rule finalized last year that would clarify states’ obligations under the Every Student Succeeds Act.

On March 27, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order. The order, signed by President Obama, represented a much-needed step forward in ensuring that the federal contractor community is providing safe and fair workplaces for employees by encouraging compliance with federal labor and civil rights laws, and prohibiting the use of mandatory arbitration of certain disputes.

In a March 31, memo, Sessions ordered a sweeping review of consent decrees with law enforcement agencies relating to police conduct – a crucial tool in the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure constitutional and accountable policing. The department also tried, unsuccessfully, to block a federal court in Baltimore from approving a consent decree between the city and the Baltimore Police Department to rein in discriminatory police practices that the department itself had negotiated over a multi-year period.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
On April 13, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which overturned the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ final rule updating the regulations governing the Title X family planning program – a vital source of family planning and related preventive care for low-income, uninsured, and young people across the country.

On April 26, Trump released an outline of a tax reform plan that was viewed largely as a tax giveaway for the wealthy and big corporations.

On April 26, Trump signed an executive order directing Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to conduct a study on the federal government’s role in education.

On May 4, Trump signed an executive order to overturn the Johnson Amendment, which precludes tax-exempt organizations, including places of worship, from engaging in any political campaign activity and would curtail the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

On May 11, Trump signed an executive order creating the so-called Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity headed by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who has a history of trying to suppress the vote in Kansas.

On May 12, Sessions announced in a two-page memo that DOJ was abandoning its Smart on Crime initiative that had been hailed as a positive step forward in rehabilitating drug users and reducing the enormous costs of warehousing inmates.

On May 23, Trump released his fiscal year 2018 budget that included massive, unnecessary tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, which would be paid for by slashing basic living standards for the most vulnerable and by attacking critical programs like Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicaid, food assistance, and more.

On May 23, Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposed eliminating the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and transferring its functions to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This would have impeded the work of both the OFCCP and the EEOC as each have distinct missions and expertise, and would have thereby undermined the civil rights protections that employers and workers have relied on for almost 50 years.

On June 5, Trump released an infrastructure plan that focuses on putting public assets into private hands, creating another giveaway to wealthy corporations and millionaires at the expense of working families and communities.

On June 6, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos testified before a Senate appropriations subcommittee and made unclear statements about whether she would allow federal funds to go to schools that discriminate against LGBTQ students. She made similarly troubling statements when testifying before a House committee in late March.

On June 6, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued unclear new instructions on transgender student discrimination.

On June 8, OCR’s acting head sent a memo to OCR staff discouraging systemic investigations in favor of individual investigations of discrimination.

On June 14, DeVos decided to delay implementation of and to renegotiate the Borrower Defense to Repayment and Gainful Employment regulations.

On June 15, the administration rescinded President Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, an initiative that – had it gone into effect — would have offered a pathway to citizenship for immigrant parents with children who are citizens or residents of the United States.

On June 27, Labor Secretary Acosta requested information on the Obama-era overtime rule, signaling his intent to lower the salary threshold of the overtime rule.

On June 28, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division sent a letter to 44 states demanding extensive information on how they maintain their voter rolls. This request was made on the same day that President Trump’s so-called Commission on Election Integrity sent letters to all 50 states demanding intrusive and highly sensitive personal data about all registered voters.

On July 26, Trump declared in a series of tweets that he was barring transgender people from serving in the military. He followed through with a presidential memo on August 25, though the issue is still being challenged in the courts.

On July 26, the Department of Justice filed a legal brief arguing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation — a decision that contravened recent court decisions and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidance.