
Nov 19, 2016
fukk it. I don't know how i missed this in january


"Matt Apuzzo and Ali Watkins contributed reporting from Washington, and Maggie Haberman from New York."

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
The justice department is directly attacking and intimidating the journalists who have broken a lot of these big stories. Scary times brehs. We're definitely moving further and further down the authoritarian spectrum. :mjcry:
Direct attack on the cornerstone amendment of the constitution is what it is. Open fascism.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
In case you have forgotten. Trump's Just throwing shyt at the wall hoping something will stick

Ok this deserves the Nap treatment. If needed, I can break the information out later into it's own thread, but for now I think it'll be fine here for a couple of days

Consider this the "all you need to know to know Trump is a shythead and the people who voted for him are shytbags" posts


Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race
Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race


Discrimination charge. Donald and Fred Trump are accused of violating the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against potential minority renters. They insist they are innocent and fight the sweeping charges.


DOJ settlement. The Trumps settle with the Department of Justice over housing discrimination charges, agreeing to meet certain standards while not admitting any wrongdoing.


Renewed discrimination charge. The Department of Justice accuses the Trumpsof continuing to discriminate in spite of their settlement.


Report: disproportionately white tenants.The New York Times reports that two Trump properties have populations that are 95 percent white.


Central Park Five Ads. After five young men of color — known as The Central Park Five — are arrested for a brutal attack on a jogger, Donald Trump buys full-page newspaper ads stressing law and order and urging return of the the death penalty. He writes that white, black, Hispanic and Asian families have lost a sense of security in their neighborhoods. (The five men, who Trump called “crazed misfits,” wereexonerated 13 years later.)


Criticizes a whites-only club. Trump tells Vanity Fair he did not want to join a Palm Beach, Florida, club because it does not allow black or Jewish members.


Trump hotel penalized for discrimination. A judge rules against the Trump Plaza Hotel in New Jersey, concluding the hotel discriminated in removing a African-American dealer from a table at the request of a wealthy player.


“They don’t look like Indians to me,” Trump says during a Congressional hearing when talking about Native American casino officials, accusing them of working with organized crime. He adds that political correctness have given Native American status to some people who don’t “look like Indians.”


Opens racially-inclusive club. Trump turns his Mar-a-Lago resort into a private clubopen to Jews, African-Americans and all races, breaking with many other local elite clubs in Palm Beach, Florida.


Sued by 20 African-Americans. Twenty people from Indiana sue Trump, alleging he did not make good on promises to hire a large number of local minorities for his new casino.

FEB. 14, 2000

Calls David Duke a racist. In a “Today Show” interview, Trump calls David Duke a “bigot, a racist, a problem” and separately sends a statement to the New York Times,saying the Reform Party’s inclusion of Duke makes it a party he does not want to join.

OCT. 6, 2000

Secretly funds anti-Native American ads.Trump agrees to apologize and pay a finefor secretly financing sharp ads opposing a Native American gambling proposal. The ads included pictures of syringes and cocaine and asked “Are these the new neighbors we want?”

FEB. 10, 2011

First publicly doubts Obama. Trump tells conservative CPAC that President Barack Obama’s classmates never saw him at school. Politifact rated this statement“pants on fire.”

MARCH 23, 2011

Birtherism begins. Trump goes on “The View,” says that President Obama must show his birth certificate.

APRIL 21, 2011

Questions Obama’s place at Harvard. In an interview with the Associated Press, Trump questions how President Obama got into Columbia and Harvard. Later, he tells reporters Obama should “get off the basketball court.”

MAY 9, 2011

“I am the least racist person there is,”Trump says to FOX News, pointing to the fact that an African-American won “The Apprentice.”

APRIL 14, 2011

“I have a great relationship with the blacks,” Trump tells an Albany, New York radio show.

NOV. 1, 2011

Claims there are double standards when it comes to racism. In a YouTube video (now marked private), Trump accuses Jon Stewart of racism and says there is a double standard (Stewart seemed to use a voice imitating Herman Cain).

APRIL 24, 2013

Disputes innocence of The Central Park Five. Trump tweets that a documentary about the full exoneration of the five menof color in the Central Park jogger case is “one-sided” and didn’t explain their “horrific crimes.”

APRIL 24, 2013

Calls Jon Stewart by his Jewish birth name.Trump tweets that he’s smarter than “Jonathan Leibowitz – I mean Jon Stewart …”

JUNE 5, 2013

Repeats falsehoods on minorities and crime. During the ramp-up to George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin trial, Trump tweets that “the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics.” This seems to come from a New York City report showing blacks and Hispanics were also the majority of crime victims. An FBI report disputes Trump’s claim nationally.

AUG. 5,


Claims double-standard on “n—–”. On FOX News, Trump responds to Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel’s use of the word “cracker”for white people by saying there is unfair and greater backlash against Republicans who use “n—–” to describe black people.

JUNE 21, 2014

The Central Park Five settlement is a “disgrace,” Trump writes in an Op-Ed for the New York Daily News. He wrote that the five men falsely jailed were no “angels” and the city’s $40 million dollar settlement with them is a “heist.”


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
FEB. 25, 2015

Mexico “sending criminals.” Trump tweetsthat Mexico is corrupt and sends criminals over the U.S. border.

APRIL 28, 2015

“Thugs.” In midst of violent reaction to the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Trump tweets that “thugs” are happily and openly destroying the city.

JUNE 16, 2015

Mexico sending “rapists.” In the speech announcing his candidacy for president, Trump charges that Mexico is sending rapists and criminals to the U.S.

JUNE 23, 2015

African-American youth “have no spirit,”Trump told a Republican luncheon in Baltimore, adding “they’ve just about never done more poorly.”

JUNE 30, 2015

“I love the Mexican people,” Trump tweets,but adding “Mexico is not our friend.”

JULY 1, 2015

Stands by Mexican “rapists” remark. In an interview with CNN, Trump insists Mexico is sending rapists to America. He does not seem to accept research showing that rapes of women crossing the border are largely done by traffickers.

JULY 5, 2015

Swipe at Jeb Bush’s Mexican-American wife. In a tweet he later deleted, Trump writes that Bush “has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife.” Columba Bush was born in Mexico and legally immigrated to the United States.

AUG. 2, 2015

Trump campaign fires aide for use of racial epithet. After saying it found use of a racial epithet to describe African-Americans on his Facebook page, the Trump campaign fires longtime Trump aide Sam Nunberg. Nunberg denied he wrote such posts.

AUG. 19, 2015

“Passionate” Trump supporters beat Hispanic man. After two white men indicated Donald Trump inspired them to beat and urinate on a homeless Hispanic man, Trump initially calls it a “shame” but says his supporters are “passionate.” He later tweets that the incident was terrible and he does not condone violence.

AUG. 25, 2015

Mimicking Asians? Talking about Japanese and Chinese negotiators, Trump, seeming to use an accent, says their approach is “we want deal.”

AUG. 26, 2015

Would not want David Duke’s support.Trump tells Bloomberg he doesn’t want David Duke’s endorsement and doesn’t need any endorsement. Asked if he would repudiate Duke, Trump said, “sure … if it made you feel better.”

NOV. 2015

False statistics about African-Americans.After a black protester chanting “Black Lives Matter” at his Alabama rally was pushed and punched, Trump tweets (and later deletes) false statistics about the percentage of whites killed by blacks. Politifact rated one claim as “pants on fire.”

DEC. 3, 2015

Jews as “negotiators.” Speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition, Trump discussed Israeli-Palestinian talks and then said “I’m a negotiator, like you folks” and “this room negotiates perhaps more than any room I’ve spoken to, maybe more.” (In February, Trump would tell CNN the “Persians are great negotiators.”)

DEC. 8, 2015

Compares his Muslim ban to Japanese internment, World War II policies. In an interview with ABC, Trump says his Muslim ban proposal is no different that President Franklin Roosevelt’s orders regarding Japanese-, German- and Italian-Americans during WWII.

FEB. 25, 2016

David Duke supports Trump. On Facebook,the former Klansman urges his followers to vote for Trump, saying it is “treason to your heritage” to vote for others.

FEB. 26, 2016

Trump disavows David Duke. At a news conference, Trump says he didn’t know about Duke’s announcement and responds “I disavow. OK?”

FEB. 28 – 29, 2016

Trump non-answer on David Duke. On CNN,Trump is asked in multiple ways if he condemns David Duke and does not directly answer. The following day, Trump says thiswas because he had a bad earpiece.

MAY 5, 2016

Taco salad. Trump tweets photo of him eating a taco salad, tweeting “I love Hispanics” and “Happy #CincoDeMayo.”

MAY 26, 2016

First criticizes Mexican-American judge. In a San Diego, California speech, Trump criticizes Judge Gonzalo Curiel hours beforeCuriel’s court announces he has cleared the public release of some controversial Trump University documents. Trump said Curiel “happens to be, we believe, Mexican.” He also states “Mexicans are going to end up loving Donald Trump.”

JUNE 2-3, 2016

More on judge’s Mexican heritage.Speaking with the WSJ and CNN, Trump says Judge Curiel’s Mexican heritage is an absolute conflict in his oversight of the Trump University case and he cannot be fair. On CBS, Trump calls his inference that Curiel is biased because of his race “common sense.”

JUNE 3, 2016

“My African-American”; Chinese-American support. In Redding, California, Trump stresses support from African-Americans and points to a black man in the crowd, saying, “Oh look at my African-American over here!” In the speech, he also spoke of support from a group of Chinese-Americans.

JUNE 11, 2016

Misleading claim on black unemployment.In Richmond, Virginia, Trump says he will expand his campaign theme to include “everyone.” Then, around the 25 minute mark, he argues America is in decline, saying “African-American youth is an example: 59 percent unemployment rate; 59 percent.” Politifact rated the claim “mostly false.”

JUNE 25, 2016

Muslim ban, but not for certain Muslims.Trump tells reporters with him in Scotland that it wouldn’t bother him for a Scottish Muslim to enter the United States. This, after he had pledged in December to ban all Muslims from arriving in the U.S.. Advisers try to walk back the comments and say the ban would focus on countries associated with terrorist groups.

JULY 11, 2016

The law and order president. Days after a racially-motivated black gunman killed five Dallas police officers at a protest march, Trump gives a Virginia Beach speechsupporting law enforcement, declaring, “I am the law and order candidate” and “the candidate of compassion”.

JULY 12, 2016

Blacks not necessarily wrong about police. In wake of police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Alabama, Trump tells FOX News that blacks are not necessarily wrong about police mistreatment and that police shootings “could be” part of systemic racism. In the same interview, he criticizes the Black Lives Matters movement.

JULY 15, 2016

“…the South overplayed its hand,” Trump says of the Civil War in an interview with Time. Trump indicates he thinks the South could have settled without war.

JULY 30, 2016

Ghazala Khan. Trump questions why Gold Star mother and Pakistani-American Ghazala Khan was silent when her husband spoke at the Democratic convention. “Maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say,” Trump suggested. Mrs. Khan later said she did not speak because she was overcome by emotion.

AUG. 16, 2016

Direct appeal to African-Americans. Trump directly asks for African-American votes in a speech about law and order. He vows to protect minorities from immigrants who could take their jobs and accuses Hillary Clinton of bigotry.

AUG. 18, 2016

Appeal to African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans. In Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump promises “jobs, safety” and “fair, equal representation” to “African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and all Americans.” (Note: he also expressed regrets for some of his recent words, though did not specify which words.)

AUG. 19, 2016

“What do you have to lose?” Trump asks African-Americans as he argues that Democrats have failed them and they should give him their vote. “You live in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs.” These less-scripted remarks were in Dimondale, Michigan, which critics pointed out is 93 percent white. He also repeated incorrect statistics about black youth unemployment.