Trump/Mueller interview continued.....
Mueller: What business deals do u have with Russia?
Trump: None that I know of. I mean I would if I could. They're a very strong country with a very strong leader. Putin is very smart, very skilled and very strong.
Mueller: So no ties, no deals of any kind?
Trump: I never knew Russia existed until Hilary sold them all of our Uranium..did you hear about that? Very bad...and sick. Did i tell you the story about my uncle?
Mueller: let me be frank Mr. President, did you fire James Comey to try and stop the Russia investigation.
Trump: uh.... Yes and no. I fired Comey because he almost let Hilary win, which she should've won anyhow by the way. And He never should have done that. But yes the Russier thing was at the top.
Mueller: So u admit u fired the head of the fbi so the investigation would stop?
Trump: Yes...but I didn't collude. No collusion whatsoever, total witch hunt. Biggest hoax of all time...