Countdown to Armageddon
I wish but unfortunately that's not the impression I got from that thread. It sounds like according to Abramson, Trump's lawyers will never allow him to be interviewed. Since they already know he's a target of the investigation, legally he will plead the fifth to avoid incriminating himself. While this is tantamount to an admission of guilt in the court of public opinion, Trump will still be free to then turn around and claim he's innocent and the investigation is illegitimate, which of course he will. And his supporters will believe because of course.which would be great as he would essentially be admitting guilt and proceed to get buried (tweets 8 to 12)
all his 3D chess moves are going to be his downfall
btw am calling that the GOAT twitter thread ever outside of unexpected circumstances it just gave us a road map to the demise of this baffoon
Obviously the investigation can still continue and Mueller could still recommend indictment based on other evidence he has collected (and where we'd go from there is a whole other can of worms), but I don't think there will ever be a sit-down interview because Mueller unfortunately can't force one and the American Public has just lost all goddamn sense.