
Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
I really wish he would be the 1st POTUs to commit dat. Just throw in the towel, Don :ohlawd:
I think it's still some what possible for him to quit in a big ole huff with flouncing and claim it's because "America doesnt appreciate him enough or deserve him" ala Sarah Palin princess dumbass of the north.

*Will only happen when he's really concerned with all his financial frauds coming out and lies about his net worth


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
we are witnessing something so unique in american history.
can anyone say that if someone told you this is what 2017 would be like 10 years ago
that they wouldn't laugh that shyt off without a second thought?

the president of the United States of America is a psychologically disturbed clown with just about every other arm of the government trying to choke him out.

well 10 years ago we were voting dubya out so yes...yes we went from a clown to a psychologically disturbed clown


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

DAUGHTERGATE: Ivanka Trump Scrubbed From Trump Poker Shell Companies

DAUGHTERGATE: Ivanka Trump Scrubbed From Trump Poker Shell Companies

Comey, Hacking, Impeachment, Money Laundering, President Hatch, Trump RussiaJune 17, 2017

New financial disclosures reported by Donald Trump show Ivanka Trump’s name being scrubbed from shell companies related to online gambling. Sources with links to the intelligence community and separate sources with links to the White House say that these companies were designed to disguise Russian payments and money-laundering. They further point, these sources say, to the fact that the Kelhios botnet – which was used in Russia’s hack on the American election – was run by a command and control server working from Trump Tower, with the full knowledge of Eric Trump.

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Ivanka has been linked to eleven companies in the Trump financial disclosures. Her status has been put to “Inactive” on several odd holding companies, including:

and others. The most immediately interesting company of Ivanka Trump’s is “Poker Venture Managing Member Corp“. This is owned by Donald and Ivanka Trump. Ivanka’s company with her father itself is an officer of this very dodgy-looking shell, “Poker Venture LLC.” Judging by the corporation wiki, there is panic in Team Ivanka and Team Trump over “Poker Venture“. It shows zero “Key People”, and has two other almost identical companies as its officers – the live, active PVMMC that Ivanka co-owns with her pops, and this “Inactive” attempt to clean Ivanka out of the picture: by: Poker Venture Managing Member Corp by: Donald J. Trump.

Those touring “Corporation Wiki” will be surprised to see that “Poker Venture Managing Member Corp by: Donald J Trump” lists itself as an officer of inactive “Poker Venture”, yet when one clicks on the gray icon, one is taken to the same active company.

All very strange. Why are Ms. Trump’s shell companies having a panic? What does it matter if she is directly connected to Trump International Hotel Management (which she is) through TIHM? Why is “Poker Ventures” suddenly showing as both active and inactive simultaneously?

Sources with links to the intelligence community say that the disassociation with the TIHM is because Trump Hotels and Eric Trump are linked to the Kelhios botnet, which was run with a command and control server out of Trump Tower with the full knowledge of Eric and Donald Trump, and also of course, of Ivanka Trump, whose husband Jared was talking to the Russian Ambassador in the Russian Embassy about secret communications with Russia.

Poker Venture Managing Member Corp is a Nevada company. On the Nevada Secretary of State’s website, it shows an odd filing history. The company was formed in 2012, filed an annual listing in 2013 and 2014; no documents are listed for 2015, but two appear two years later, on August 4 2016. However, the official Nevada listing shows PVMMC being cancelled on May 22, 2017.

Equally odd is that the state of New Jersey – (Ivanka Trump has a New Jersey address listed as one of her business records, associated with Poker Ventures) – has added to its newly published list of “Internet Gaming Ancillary Companies” both Poker Ventures LLC, which was already listed, but also “Novacorp Net Ltd”, “VidMob Inc” and “Reblaze Technologies”. VidMob Inc, a video company, appears to have a Russian developer on its github, Sergey Shpuntov, whose activity appears to be locked on GitHub; Novacorp Net appears to be associated with a credit card company whose records have been scrubbed (but not well enough); while Reblaze Technologies appears to be coded by Russo-Israelis.

Much worse, Reblaze Technologies does not appear to have much to do with “ancillary services for internet gambling” in NJ – rather, it publishes anti-NSA blogssuch as these, lauding the ‘hacking tools’ leaked by Shadow Brokers. Reblaze also offers lists of “protect your website” services you can buy from Russian hackers [sic], listing, ostensibly to protect against them, the full range of tools employed on Russia’s hack of America; its founder repeated the anti-NSA blog in an article that reads as a threat to hack America on Medium in December 2016.

Despite this, even the most secretive malware usually gets exposed eventually.

A great example of this occurred in August: ‘Powerful NSA hacking tools have been revealed online’. As the article explained, “some of the most powerful espionage tools created by the National Security Agency’s elite group of hackers” were stolen by illicit hackers and placed up for auction, for any cybercriminal in the world to buy.

Put all of these together – Novacorp, VidMob and Reblaze, as brand new additions to New Jersey’s “ancillary internet gambling companies” and you see three Russian companies involved, sources allege, with the Kelhios botnet, the direct Russian hack on American voter registries and the DNC, and malware delivered via the Kelhios botnet, that are now trying to cover themselves by pretending to have something to do with “online gambling”. Sources suggest that all three directly relate to Ivanka Trump’s “Poker Ventures” company with her father, which is listed on the same sheet. The state document says:

The following companies have filed completed applications to provide ancillary services for Internet gaming. Preliminary examination of the filings allows for these companies to enter into agreements with casino licensees and Internet gaming permit holders.

It is not therefore much of a leap to imagine – though sources were not specific on this point – that Novacorp, VidMob and Reblaze have been discovered to have been paid by a Trump company, and that their late additions to the New Jersey filing are an attempt to provide a figleaf over other “services” that they did provide.

On the wider reason for the cover-up on Ivanka, sources suggested patribotics was being pointed to specific documents because Trump is threatening to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Patience for Trump’s obstruction is wearing thin, sources with links to the intelligence community report. They also suggest that Paul Ryan, who is more realistic towards his own predicament than Mr. Trump, is willing to cooperate with authorities in exchange for mitigation of his own sentence. If Ryan gives up McConnell, and does not impede Mueller or the FBI further, it is possible he may avoid jail, although like Devin Nunes he will be required to resign from Congress. Ryan spoke in defense of Special Counsel Mueller, showing that Trump can no longer rely on Russian kompromat on Ryan to protect him.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3@Cali_livin @Menelik II @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I think it's still some what possible for him to quit in a big ole huff with flouncing and claim it's because "America doesnt appreciate him enough or deserve him" ala Sarah Palin princess dumbass of the north.

*Will only happen when he's really concerned with all his financial frauds coming out and lies about his net worth

I can see him resigning, before all of his shyt became public. At that point his lawyers would probably move to seal all investigative records, because clearly he would not want that type of information made public if he were willing to go to the extreme of resigning.

I saw a Democratic Congressman on one of the Saturday morning shows that theorized that Trump could write a pardon for himself and/or all of the people currently under investigation. The Congressman was pushing for the news anchor and the media to bring that up during the White House briefings. I guess in theory that a President could pardon people in advance of actual judicial proceedings, but I had never thought about it that way.


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
Who the fukk are mods to delete MY posts in here?

The fukk?

Its trump related. He's a fukk up. His administration is fukking up. Then you all wanna merge the shyt in here if I make a new thread.
breh we begged them to let you back in.

don't talk shyt to the mods.

just keep posting crucial updates breh