This is the type of sh1t that makes me truly think that these fukking scumbags are not even human, regardless of religion, conservatism, etc...what fukking harm is it to make sure kids are being treated fairly? What harm is it to make sure that the fukking folks that are being paid garbage a$$ wages are being treated fairly? These fukking people need to get their issue, karma coming for the lot of em'. I'm like

lately with all the crazy sh1t popping off due to people being pushed to the brink of sanity in regards to politics. The disenfranchised of this country has been sitting back forever, getting beaten down like fukking dogs. Lol at these fukking jokers with their rhetoric "the terrorist left" and all that mess, these so called "patriots" and "tea party" conservatives are literally separatists/militia that hide their hands after they throw rocks like cowards. They want to take healthcare away from people, just to get tax cuts for the wealthy (I don't want to talk about single payer/uhc, we are not there yet in this country and there is nothing we can do about it right now), they want to make law enforcement in this country an authoritarian state, they want to make it as hard as possible for disenfranchised of this country to have a say by trying to "reform" voter laws, they want to keep the prison for profit industry thriving through crime "reform", so many more fukking evil, disgusting, corrupt, unethical things, just to line pockets and make sure their future generations of heathan, cretan Biffs and Bonnies never want for anything. Fukking sick of this sh1t, so y'all fukking stupid a$$ trolls and "contrarians" just need to stay in your fukking lane, and STFU. Obama was this, and Obama was that, according to these fukking trolls, but at the end of the day, if Obama was the antichrist that the right claimed than Trump would have exposed it, it is all he has, his whole existence is based on trying to erase Obama's legacy. Trump, whether he directly colluded or not, is fully responsible for his team and everything that they did, and he can't get out of his own way. This isn't business, this isn't real estate, this isn't the street con game, these fukking politicians are not going to risk their own life, and they are not gonna do bids for you if you promise to take care of their family, they are gonna stick the knife right in your a$$, FUKK BOI. You are a fukking con man, sleezeball, racist, bigot, sexist, vile piece of sh1t, along with every fukking leave on every fukking branch of your family tree, and the whole fukking lot of you need to put under the fukking jail.
We watching

we waiting

we gonna be winning

We wish no good will on you