Bruh. Hayden is a savage 

Partially? I credit him for 75% of Hilary’s lost. She does get 25% for being a perennial loser.He never was anyway, and it's partially his fault Trump won.
The best thing you can say about Comey is that he wasn't willing to completely throw the law in the bushes for Trump.
But that should be the bare minimum for any government official and/or decent human being, so he doesn't deserve any special praise.
Don’t worry: they don’t have any.Yeah, that'll show him.
This was trending all day on twitter the other day. There isnt one trending storyI care about less than this. That cac fuels hate all day everyday on his show. He's no victim.Someone tweeted that they're protesting twitter for them not banning people harassing cacker caclson
This was trending all day on twitter the other day. There isnt wont trending I care about less than this. That cac fuels hate all day everyday on his show. He's no victim.
Yeah, that'll show him.
Like that time when he had some clown on talking glowingly about a book that advocates immigrant genocide
I was still up when that tweet came in, but I couldn't even bring myself to finish reading it at that time. Disgusting traitor.