If McConnell was smart, he would get his party to vote to convict/remove Trump that way they can reshape the Republican party to the way they want it.
But, McConnell seems scared so he'll say something like, "It's too close to the election we dont wanna interfere in the 2020 election therefore Trump should stay in office. Besides, the 2016 election was a long time ago."
That assumes:
1. That McConnell and others actually care about something (the "Party" or the "Country") greater than their own narrow personal interests. They don't.
2. McConnell and many others aren't directly related/implicated to all of these shenanigans. They are.
If McConnell knew that the GOP at large was innocent bystanders in all of this, they would've gotten rid of trump long ago. Definitely before the midterms. McConnell and the rest of these a$$holes know that the corruption runs very deep. And even worse, the Mueller investigation keeps opening up new lines of inquiry that reach further and further into the core of the GOP. The investigation into possible Russian info warfare in exchange for sanctions relief has metastasized into foreign lobbying violations, inauguration funding and straw donors, NRA donations, Turkey/Saudi Arabia/Israel, Russian oligarchs donating to GOP heavy hitters, Devos family, Mercers, Cambridge Analytica (how many other GOP politicians did they help?), Treasury granting sanctions relief etc. This is why the GOP is going to the mats over this Russia shyt. Even the pols that are innocent are putting up the appearance of a fight - because this is a fight for the survival of the party as they know it.