Can’t wait till we break up Russia
gotta force back recent expansions first.
then squash their desire to do so again.
then we can talk about breaking that monster up.
Can’t wait till we break up Russia
You can't hide it anymore.
No one wants to ask what the fukk Tad Devine was doing this whole time.
Tad Devine knew Sanders for a DECADE at that point Sanders decides to run for president. Tad Devine helped Sanders 2006 senate run.
And this is the same time ...literally....Tad Devine is working with Manafort.
We MUST know if any of that hacked POLLING DATA from Hillary Clinton data in 2015 ended up in Manafort's hands!
In other words: after the update that introduced the bug, someone in the Sanders campaign noticed that Clinton scores, including support scores, were available in the query builder described and depicted above. Uretsky and his staff then filtered lists of voters that all Democratic campaigns share using these scores.
The access logs the VAN automatically generates have not found their way to into the press, and this isn’t surprising, as they would be near-unintelligible to all but a few NGP VAN engineers. What has been released is a summary of the logs, presumably written by just such an employee.
They tell us that Uretsky and his staff created a series of lists with names like “HFA Support <30”, which we can assume is a list of voters whose Clinton support score is below 30 percent. The searches are semi-systematic: in one series of queries for voters in South Carolina, they first include supporters who meet a very lax cutoff (60–100 percent), then a marginally more stringent one (50–100 percent), then those least likely to support (>30 percent), and finally those who could go either way (30–70 percent).
In addition to the standard turnout and support scores, they employed variants titled “Primary Prioritization” and “Combined Persuasion.” They only looked at states with primaries before or on Super Tuesday (Alabama, Texas, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, Arkansas, Virginia, Texas, and Tennessee) or shortly afterward (Utah and Florida).
But the focus on the possibility of an export is misplaced. NGP VAN’s official statement makes clear that he did not have sufficient permissions to do so. But even if he had, the scores are only useful for filtering VAN entries, so there is no reason to export them. It would not be feasible for the Sanders campaign to write its own software to make use of such an export in time for the primaries. It was the VAN or nothing.
It would have been useful to have lists within the VAN of, for example, those voters who were fervent Hillary supporters, such that they could be excluded from future campaign interventions. And Uretsky and his staff created several such lists.
But as we’ve seen, the VAN automatically logs information about queries executed, such that any lists generated with the Clinton scores could have been identified as such. Uretsky claimed to know as much in the MSNBC interview, and to judge by his LinkedIn profile, this must be true — he has been working as a VAN administrator on and off since at least 2008.
“Mueller really does know everything,” joked a former Intelligence Community (IC) senior official whom I’ve known for years. “The IC gave the Special Counsel everything we had that might be of relevance to their investigation, most of it came from NSA.” Which hardly surprises, since something like 80 percent of the actionable intelligence in the IC emanates from the NSA, the world’s most productive spy agency.
I would think it was more of a "Hey Bob, just let us know what you need", and as his team start unraveling the scheme, and started targeting individuals, they went to whatever departments had the info they needed, and, the thing that i really want to know is how early on in the investigation did mueller get the full picture.
in other words, did mueller meet with the nsa one day shortly after he was appointed and jus received in bulk every file the NSA had on any/all correspondence/communications/records concerning all targeted individuals?
Dude are you really quoting the Jacobin? BRUH. REALLY? They will jump in front of ANY anti-Sanders bullet. They are NOT reliable. I'm sorry. i'm not going to let you do this in good faith.Tad Devine could very well be - more than likely is - dirty, that's great Nap but THERE WAS NO HACK.
Hillary her self has never claimed there was, why, because there was not. So the entire premise of this campaign of yours is FALSE.
What Really Happened With the DNC’s “Datagate”?
I'm going to allow you to read the rest as well as a pretty fair assessment of how Hillary's camp spun this entire incident to their advantage. This all comes from a developer who worked for NGP VAN right around the time of the incident who worked on the very scoring system that became available via the bug to each parties camp. Sander's data guy was fired, bug was fixed by the vendor and the DNC ultimately gave Sander's campaign access back because the action was in bad form/ethics but nowhere near serious. Especially considering that Hillary's campaign would have had the same bugged access to the Sanders campaign.
TL;DR for those nowhere near obsessed as Nap: a software version bug allowed all campaigns to see scoring data fields used to score likelihoods of different criteria or probability of support of a candidate that is supposed to be unique and private to each campaign. The Sanders campaign was able to run multiple queries against these scores - all of which was captured by internal logging - but could not export any of their findings. The parent company discovered the bug, reported it to the DNC and fixed it.
man, the thing that i really want to know is how early on in the investigation did mueller get the full picture.
in other words, did mueller meet with the nsa one day shortly after he was appointed and jus received in bulk every file the NSA had on any/all correspondence/communications/records concerning all targeted individuals?
One of my favorite scenes in Goodfellas is when Billy Batts insists that he wasn't insulting Tommy and that he shouldn't take his comments about the shine box, personal:Why?
Yesterday we got proof polling data was given to the Russians. Enough is enough.
Tad Devine oversaw a campaign where Hillary’s voter data was hacked. People need to push for this to be answered.
Until yesterday I had no reason to even remember Tad Devine was still alive.
SCOOP: A law firm that worked on the Mueller mystery grand jury case is Alston & Bird. …
1:27 PM - Jan 9, 2019
My question is, what did the President know about Mr. Manafort’s collusion with Russian intelligence, and when did he know it?
Natasha Bertrand
The head of the president’s campaign gave internal polling data to the Russians in the spring of 2016, per @nytimes. Now the question is: what did Deripaska do with that data?
1:34 PM - Jan 9, 2019