whats the difference between the INDICTED RUSSIAN SPY working as Manafort's handler...but not Tad Devine?Yeah. One with very little evidence and tons of speculation. But what can you do?
...Who also worked with Manafort
...who also communicated with Kilimnik...
...Who also is in the picture with MANAFORT and KILIMNIK?
Konstantin Kilimnik, an elusive figure under indictment for alleged witness tampering by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is seen seated on the far left in a March 2006 photo obtained by The Associated Press as part of a collection of internal corporate memos and business records from the international political consulting offices of Donald Trump’s ex-campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. Mueller has indicated that Kilimnik is in Russia and has ties to Russian intelligence, which Kilimnik disputes. The photograph represents one of the few images known to exist of Kilimnik. Also in the photo, seated from left: Kilimnik, Martha Young, Catherine Barnes, Tad Devine, Paul Manafort, Phillip Griffin; standing from left: Lee Avrashov, an unidentified individual and Christian Ferry. (via AP) –The Associated Press