They will only do it when they see the coast is clearNot a single one of his colleagues has dared to stand and co-sign.

They will only do it when they see the coast is clearNot a single one of his colleagues has dared to stand and co-sign.
Charles Johnson @Green_Footballs
Wow. Trump on MSNBC losing his shyt. “Syria was lost long ago. We’re talking about sand and death. We’re not talking vast wealth. We’re talking about sand and death.” JFC.
1:18 PM - 2 Jan 2019
This is so f*cking stupid that its beyond words.
Aaron Blake @AaronBlake
Rudy on Trump Tower Moscow: "I knew there was a Moscow project. I still don’t know how long it went, and I don’t consider it a Moscow project."
1:20 PM - 2 Jan 2019