Was staying in Texas for a month staying at my uncles, mostly babysitting his spot because he was going through a super ugly divorce and was worried. Dont know what he was expecting me to do but I also had a part time gig lined up working for one of his friends so I was
So everyday after work Id go into the mall just to catch some AC and get a deink before I was able to go home and there was this one girl who worked at one of those kiosk things selling smoothies and I swear this girl was staring at me. Not even checking out, or just glancing around, but this girl was straight up glued to my position. I even moved at one point and she was still watching me. She was spanish and had to be a foot taller than me but the eye contact she was making gave me serial killer vibes, but she was the most interesting thing about my trip to Texas at that point so I went over to her and asked if staring at people like a painting on the wall usually sold smoothies and she told me "I knew if I looked at you long enough you'd come over."
So anyway we talk for awhile and she just told me she was a people watcher and certain people have certain tendancies and all that shyt. At that point in my life finding an intelligent and interesting(to me) girl hadn't really happened so I chatted with this girl despite obvious red flags, even told myself if it came down to it and she was crazy that I was crazier
I got her number and we started chilling and we smashed the second time we chilled and a few times while I was in Texas. It wasnt until after the third time we had sex she told me she was in a cult and how her parents were still in it and disowned her because she was kicked out. I asked some questions about her cult life and it was clear she didnt want to talk about it so I didnt get anything trult interesting.
Couple of days later we are about to fukk and she gets a phone call. When shes done she says "I have to go meet my boyfriend I'll text you later."
So I say "You got a boyfriend?"
She tells me "Yeah, hes who I left the cult for"
Anyway turns out the thing with me went a lot farther than she intended
She told me she just thought I was cute and she was bored, but she wasn't expecting me to be intelligent and have depth, and that she also hoped I wasn't mad. I told her it was cool because I was going to talk to her for a month tops after I went back. That shyt didnt go over well she was pissed but I hit her with a

and said "Why you care you got a boyfriend."

I may be stronger, possibly more dangerous, and maybe even smarter but I was NOT crazier than her