I just started it, too. I just got to the Mattis part. I have to tell everyone, the first 6 chapters were pretty disappointing to me. I’m so sick of the constant Steve Bannon blowing everywhere. Can somebody that has read it, or is through more than I, assure me that Steve Bannons stinky ass doesn’t come up again. He is the easiest, laziest interview to get in DC. I also think Mattis is gay and and has a crush on Harward, I mean, you can’t be folding another mans underwear like you a jail punk. I do have the greatest respect in the world for Mattis, I will say. I do not hold him to the same negative regard to the rest of the administration. I believe he truly does care about the country, his troops before all else. Kelly can suck my dikk from the back.Just started reading the Woodward book. The Cohn job interview
Every HL regular has a better understanding of economics than Trump does.
Well, this really isn't far off from what will eventually need to be done and what certain countries are currently doing now.This moron’s idea for erasing the national debt is to...
Wait for it....
Print more money
Trump told Gary Cohn to 'print money' to lower the national debt, according to Bob Woodward's book
Hahaha. I’ve had some interesting government contractor jobs in the past (3 years at the Office of Naval Research -ONR, 1 year at the MIT computer science and artificial intelligence center, and some time with DARPA, albeit a short time).
When I was working on my PhD, I was working for ONR. During that time, all of my elective classes were in Islam, Strategic Communication, Southeast Asian courses (Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims of any country), and the Middle East.
Also, when at ONR, I read hours of “radical” and “extremist” speech every day, coded it, and then put it in a traction model.
So, I gained a lot of good knowledge about “terrorism” during that time period
Thanksyou got a PHD?
That is a huge accomplishment. I mean that.