It seriously baffles me that, despite everything we know, Active Measures, the Trump Tower meeting/emails, Mayflower speech, countless lies from countless individuals, etc etc still like half the country believes there’s been no proof of collusion simply because they don’t care/pay attention or only consume right wing media. This shyt is so much worse than Watergate could ever dream of being and most of the country has the wool over their fukking eyes
It’s the Law and Order effect. People want a case proven with 100% DNA and a tape of the incident.
AMWAY? So they made their money off the biggest ponzi scheme in history?
You can place bets on the Coli too!You can place bets on Bovada in regards to who the Author of that Op-Ed is. Here are their odds:
Jeff Sessions +250
Mike Pence +350
John Kelly +450
Dan Coats +500
James Mattis +600
Don McGahn +1500
Nikki Haley +1000
Javanka +2000
Kellyane Conway +2000
Donald Trump +2500
Melania Trump +5000
*The writer and/or New York Times must confirm the source of the Op-Ed by December 31, 2020 for wager to have action.
I never had the specifics, but what exactly was that particular Ponzi scheme?AMWAY? So they made their money off the biggest ponzi scheme in history?
Brehs I haven't checked in in a few weeks and I'm almost 50 pages behind ( on 35 posts per page settings)
So can I skip ahead to anywhere without missing out on anything important. I'm currently on page 2836 for the other brehs on the same settings.
Basically you sell shyt to someone and convince that person to find more people to sell that same shyt.. Toilet paper, Toothpaste, mad shytI never had the specifics, but what exactly was that particular Ponzi scheme?