That op-ed is fukking garbage. If you were really part of the resistance, they'd impeach that traitor, but they're more concerned with advancing a disgusting partisan vision, so they simply contain that cretin as best they can. What a fukking joke.
Wanna make a statement? fukk your anonymous op-ed. Put your name on it and have the rest of the "resistance" resign en masse.
YEP, garbage. I get the gravity of it, and all, it’s amazing, historic, world changing, etc...
They want their cake, and to eat it, too. The shyt is bananas. An open plea:
We did AWFUL stuff to get what we want, we want to STOP doing awful stuff, and being looked at as evil, but at the same time, the evil stuff we did, we should get to keep them all in place, but please, please, be nice to us.
The person that wrote that should be brought up for treason, and whatever goes along with it, RIGHT BEFORE Mueller comes through. I hate fence sitting dikk riders the same I hate these racist, fukking scoundrels in DJT’s orbit.
If ANYBODY I see irl has the gall to call this idiot that wrote this garbage “please like me” letter, I’m a let em know they trash.