“And he’s Comey’s best friend. And I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other. You know, he’s Comey’s best friend. How can you possibly have a man who is that, and then somebody from his law firm came out and said, ‘I can’t believe they picked Mueller. He hates the president. He hates the president.’ So that’s four things, that’s four, then you have the conflicts of the people — you know I call them the 17 angry Democrats, I guess they’re being lowered down now. It’s incredible when you look at Weissman and all these people. Some of the people work for the Hillary Clinton foundation. It’s an incredible thing. Honestly, people are very angry about it. People that love our country are very angry about it. So, I consider it to be an illegal investigation. It should’ve never been allowed to have happened.”