I didn’t know there was so many Obama apologist on here. The colis favorite ex nsa analyst John Schindler even continuously says Obama didn’t do shyt to stop any of this. And that Obama saw everything happen in almost real time. Mass spread of disinformation, hacked both parties of congress, Russia money funneled into trump campaign. And didn’t the trump tower meeting happen under obama watch? And all Obama wanted to do was a joint statement. No wonder McConnell shut his ass down.
And obama admin only started preserving paperwork AFTER Hillary lost.
And y’all keep coming at Comey for all the fukk shyt he pullled but did y’all forget who appointed the man
And In result trump has reversed everything Obama has done. About to lock up two middle age men to Supreme Court for life. 1 In 7 federal judges on judicial bench are trump appointed. and more then likely overturn roe vs wade
, while making Americans lose all faith in the system and bringing white supremacy back to the forefront .
Obama fukked up. He was too arrogant and just thought Hillary had it in the bag. And now look where we are because of it.

And y’all keep coming at Comey for all the fukk shyt he pullled but did y’all forget who appointed the man

And In result trump has reversed everything Obama has done. About to lock up two middle age men to Supreme Court for life. 1 In 7 federal judges on judicial bench are trump appointed. and more then likely overturn roe vs wade

Obama fukked up. He was too arrogant and just thought Hillary had it in the bag. And now look where we are because of it.