Insane/Plausible Tweet thread about Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis as possibly diverting attention from the REAL mob 
Thread by @ToestringRd: "Here it is... A thread you must, MUST read... 1/ We're in the final sprint of a long, long endurance race. But the moment we have reached is […]"
@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @BigMoneyGrip @.r. @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre @Cali_livin @NY's #1 Draft Pick

Thread by @ToestringRd: "Here it is... A thread you must, MUST read... 1/ We're in the final sprint of a long, long endurance race. But the moment we have reached is […]"
Thread by @ToestringRd: "Here it is... A thread you must, MUST read... 1/ We're in the final sprint of a long, long endurance race. But the moment we have reached is […]"
29 tweets, 5 min read 2 days ago
Here it is...
A thread you must, MUST read...
We're in the final sprint of a long, long endurance race.
But the moment we have reached is much, much bigger, much more important than just Trump.
We have reached a moment I have tried, very desperately sometimes, to inform my followers about.
I will try to be as succinct and clear as possible. But if you understand the message, please retweet and "like" it, because it's a message that the mainstream media has failed to share with us.
As you know, there's been a lot of talk lately about Russian-sponsored terrorism.
In order for us to reach the point where we can do something about it, we must successfully navigate our way through this moment.
THIS moment. NOW.
And so here we are, one day after the President's personal attorney has negotiated a deal with Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, in order to testify against Trump.
What I am sharing here is VERY IMPORTANT, so I want to be very clear here. I don't want to talk about Hillary or Bill Clinton, because this has nothing to do with Hillary and Bill Clinton.
But what you need to know is WHO Lanny Davis is and WHAT he is doing.
To be crystal clear here, Lanny Davis is an attorney for the Russian mob, which I will explain shortly.
He has cut a deal with the DOJ in order for his client to provide testimony
against Trump.
But there's a catch.
He will provide no information on his OTHER client, Dmitriy Firtash, a personal associate of Paul Manafort. Firtash is so important to the Russian mob that hundreds of dirtied-up corporate CEOs (I SEE YOU, BOEING), actors, journalists,
politicians, etc, are breathing a huge sigh of relief.
More importantly...
I have mentioned in the past that Trump is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE.
Worst case scenario for the Russian mob...*maybe* they cut their losses by giving up Trump. In the grand scheme of things, Trump is a fart in the wind next to the scale of their operations.
Either way, Lanny Davis isn't really playing ball. So we're not out of the woods yet.
And, while this is personal speculation, it is clear to me what Davis' narrative is going to be...
"It's all about S-E-X"
That's the "Bill Clinton got off, why shouldn't Trump get off as well?" defense.
Yup. You got it. The "Whataboutism" defense.
Furthermore, as we speak, the mob is working at the grassroots level, pushing prospective candidates for the 2018 and 2020 elections.
The greatest lesson I have learned over the past few years of trying to counter Russia's information war is how incredibly important public opinion is.
If we treat Mr. Davis or his client like heroes, we will directly and negatively impact the Department of Justice' ongoing efforts to root out the underlying evil that brought us Trump.
So I must explain to you exactly who Lanny Davis is, and what the Russian mob actually is, because this is where everyone gets to see the big picture...
Five minute calls...
Firtash himself has made it clear.
He AIN'T playin' ball.
But who is Firtash?
Putin's and Semion Mogilevich's partnership is predicated not only upon the accumulation of personal wealth, but also the acquisition of the world's resources, as described in Putin's (plagiarised) dissertation.
Putin and Mogilevich have been quietly doing so for nearly
three decades now, through subversion, front companies, influence measures.
But perhaps more importantly, the Russian organized criminal group that Davis, Cohen, Firtash and his associate Manafort represent is known as Bratva, which is headed by Semion Mogilevich himself.
And this brings us to the very, very rude awakening we must begin to understand.
The world we live in now is not a world where "Ideological" terrorism really much exists.
We are living in a world in which terrorism is generally the product of organized crime.
And Semion Mogilevich, the man who pulls Davis', Firtash's and Cohen's strings, has been a chief architect of terrorism.
The organization Lanny Davis represents has been involved in unimaginable acts of inhumanity.
And, in my opinion and in the opinion of many others, it is seemingly impossible for Mr. Davis to be unaware of this.
I will continue to add more to this thread.
In the mean time, I encourage you to also view @JamesFourM 's and @ninaandtito's Twitter timelines concerning Firtash and Davis.
The city of Baltimore set up a gun task force.
Bratva took it over.
The task force wound up shaking down coke dealers.
Turns out, Firtash has a history of dirtying up Baltimore police officers:
The Baltimore riots, which presented the perfect distraction, bore all the Horseshoe-y earmarks of Firtash's friend Vladislav Surkov.
But do you know where BLM and Black Guerilla Family were completely silent about?
They were silent about the fact that more than half the police officers arrested were African Americans.
Isn't that strange?
29 tweets, 5 min read 2 days ago
Here it is...
A thread you must, MUST read...
We're in the final sprint of a long, long endurance race.
But the moment we have reached is much, much bigger, much more important than just Trump.
We have reached a moment I have tried, very desperately sometimes, to inform my followers about.
I will try to be as succinct and clear as possible. But if you understand the message, please retweet and "like" it, because it's a message that the mainstream media has failed to share with us.
As you know, there's been a lot of talk lately about Russian-sponsored terrorism.
In order for us to reach the point where we can do something about it, we must successfully navigate our way through this moment.
THIS moment. NOW.
And so here we are, one day after the President's personal attorney has negotiated a deal with Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, in order to testify against Trump.
What I am sharing here is VERY IMPORTANT, so I want to be very clear here. I don't want to talk about Hillary or Bill Clinton, because this has nothing to do with Hillary and Bill Clinton.
But what you need to know is WHO Lanny Davis is and WHAT he is doing.
To be crystal clear here, Lanny Davis is an attorney for the Russian mob, which I will explain shortly.
He has cut a deal with the DOJ in order for his client to provide testimony
against Trump.
But there's a catch.
He will provide no information on his OTHER client, Dmitriy Firtash, a personal associate of Paul Manafort. Firtash is so important to the Russian mob that hundreds of dirtied-up corporate CEOs (I SEE YOU, BOEING), actors, journalists,
politicians, etc, are breathing a huge sigh of relief.
More importantly...
I have mentioned in the past that Trump is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE.
Worst case scenario for the Russian mob...*maybe* they cut their losses by giving up Trump. In the grand scheme of things, Trump is a fart in the wind next to the scale of their operations.
Either way, Lanny Davis isn't really playing ball. So we're not out of the woods yet.
And, while this is personal speculation, it is clear to me what Davis' narrative is going to be...
"It's all about S-E-X"
That's the "Bill Clinton got off, why shouldn't Trump get off as well?" defense.
Yup. You got it. The "Whataboutism" defense.
Furthermore, as we speak, the mob is working at the grassroots level, pushing prospective candidates for the 2018 and 2020 elections.
The greatest lesson I have learned over the past few years of trying to counter Russia's information war is how incredibly important public opinion is.
If we treat Mr. Davis or his client like heroes, we will directly and negatively impact the Department of Justice' ongoing efforts to root out the underlying evil that brought us Trump.
So I must explain to you exactly who Lanny Davis is, and what the Russian mob actually is, because this is where everyone gets to see the big picture...
Five minute calls...
Firtash himself has made it clear.
He AIN'T playin' ball.

But who is Firtash?
Putin's and Semion Mogilevich's partnership is predicated not only upon the accumulation of personal wealth, but also the acquisition of the world's resources, as described in Putin's (plagiarised) dissertation.
Putin and Mogilevich have been quietly doing so for nearly
three decades now, through subversion, front companies, influence measures.
But perhaps more importantly, the Russian organized criminal group that Davis, Cohen, Firtash and his associate Manafort represent is known as Bratva, which is headed by Semion Mogilevich himself.
And this brings us to the very, very rude awakening we must begin to understand.
The world we live in now is not a world where "Ideological" terrorism really much exists.
We are living in a world in which terrorism is generally the product of organized crime.
And Semion Mogilevich, the man who pulls Davis', Firtash's and Cohen's strings, has been a chief architect of terrorism.

The organization Lanny Davis represents has been involved in unimaginable acts of inhumanity.
And, in my opinion and in the opinion of many others, it is seemingly impossible for Mr. Davis to be unaware of this.
I will continue to add more to this thread.
In the mean time, I encourage you to also view @JamesFourM 's and @ninaandtito's Twitter timelines concerning Firtash and Davis.
The city of Baltimore set up a gun task force.
Bratva took it over.
The task force wound up shaking down coke dealers.
Turns out, Firtash has a history of dirtying up Baltimore police officers:
The Baltimore riots, which presented the perfect distraction, bore all the Horseshoe-y earmarks of Firtash's friend Vladislav Surkov.
But do you know where BLM and Black Guerilla Family were completely silent about?
They were silent about the fact that more than half the police officers arrested were African Americans.
Isn't that strange?

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @BigMoneyGrip @.r. @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre @Cali_livin @NY's #1 Draft Pick