There are probably dozens of people from ASU who could’ve leaked this. From the victim, her family/friends to university officials. CIA not worried about this clown
How are the Trumptards who post on The Coli taking all this news?
I'm pretty sure the NY Daily News already has that one printed up breh...Honestly, if I don't see "TRUMP SCREWED BY PECKER" as a headline on a paper tomorrow, I'm going into open revolt. :bptchallalol:
Bear Down,Arizona
@Great Scott is shrieking about Carter Page, the dossier, and Nunes' latest weak attempt to frame Bruce Ohr as the architect of the Trump Tower meeting. :bpfacepalm:
@Ozymandias went ghost once jury deliberations began on Manafort. :mjlolhairfade:
Guess he saw the writing on the wall. :bptchallalol: