Cole Cash
They took a hammer and sickle to my back
"the law and order president"
brehs i wanna say this, imagine if we had this a$$hole a full 4 years no investigations etc, imagine if he was intelligent, imagine if he knew how to govern. we would legit be finished as a country.
as frustrating as it has been, thank god hes a fukking moron. thank god hes blatantly dumb, thank the lord this is as bad as it can probably get for us to bring change.
because a composed, politician with the same nefarious means would have torn this fukkign country inside out.
Also, i remember back in april i was telling you guys, as hard as this is, its a war of attrition, that were gonna win, we just need to hold fast, stay frosty.
Now look at us, thier side looks like a bunch of fukking morons, in the face of total destruction they are literally destroying themselves from within.
His little rally made no noise. hes breaking. trump is always deflecting always on the offensive, but his "fake news" and "fake this and fake that" isnt working.
You know who is winning? WE ARE. Brehs i just got a job thats paying me good at a homeless shelter, case managing. I told yall i lost my job due to my company closing, but i got another one. I have been following this shyt for the last year, through all the frustrations and waiting, remember a few weeks ago we were eager for some news. eager for ANYTHING, brehs we have been fed months worth of food in one day..
Trump always seems like he doesnt care, but like one article said, he knows the seriousness of whats going on now. There is no where to run, nowhere to hide. I posted this months ago and im posting it again, remember in that new dredd movie, when Judge Dredd went after MAMA on the intercom
"Donald Trump is a common criminal. Guilty of obstruction of justice. Campaign Violations. Hes a racist, pathetic little man who has survived too long on simply being rich. When this is over him, his kids and his entire legacy will be finished.
Let me say this only once....Donald Trump is not the law...
Brehs we got our foot on his neck. Also I continue to donate to justice democrats, i continue to use my spanish language skillset to get latinos registered to vote, i continue to be a black voice on places like the majority report. Dont let TLR cloud your judgment, some people on here are doing real good for our people on here.
I love yall, now lets lock and load and continue.
and as for you Mr Cohen...