Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
RICO :what:

Putin is the only 1 u can use that on. Good luck w/ dat. Drumpf aint masterminding shyt.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Mike Flynn’s Treason Tour: Global Russian Propaganda Coordinated With Trump

Mike Flynn’s Treason Tour: Global Russian Propaganda Coordinated With Trump


Sources linked to the intelligence community say that General Mike Flynn’s trips to Cambridge and across Europe will form a key part of Donald Trump’s impeachment and the prosecutions of dozens of his associates.

According to several sources within the intelligence community, Michael Flynn was co-ordinating, with and for Russian agents, the drafting of messages that Vladimir Putin was using to attack democracy in not only the United States, but across Europe. Furthermore, Flynn was doing this with the full knowledge of the Trump campaign, including Donald Trump himself.

This news directly relates to the data laundering performed by the Alfa Bank server on behalf of Donald Trump and Russia, where, as I reported, the Trump campaign colluded with the hacking of both the DNC and state voter databases.

The Alfa Bank server ‘washed’ that data together to tell Trump where to target it, sources say. But the messages and content with which targets were served was co-ordinated with Russia by General Flynn.

Furthermore, Flynn took the same hacking tools and artificial intelligence coded in Russia and helped far-right and Nazi parties across Europe use it in their own nations. Intelligence sources assert that multiple NATO partners have evidence of this and that it has been provided to the FBI.

If ‘data laundering’ is the first part of the Trump Russia incontrovertible evidence, ‘propaganda targeting’ is the second part. Flynn attacked not only the United States but all her Western allies on Russia’s behalf, with the full knowledge and connivance of Donald Trump.

Both halves of the social media impeachment will, sources assert, be key to Director Comey’s overall case. This is the ‘incontrovertible evidence’ to which Sir Richard Dearlove and others have referred.

Explaining Data Laundering and Fake News
The broad case of Russia’s hacking the US election can be divided into two relatively simple spheres. There is another branch of the criminal investigation that focuses on money-laundering and corrupt payments from Russia and Russian satellites to Mr. Trump and to his allies. But the actual hacking of the US election follows a relatively simple narrative line in two halves; hacking and targeting. Mr. Flynn’s activities spanned the two and link them to Russian active measures all across Europe, including the current attack on the French election.

As I previously reported in an exclusive story on this blog, the Trump server at Cendyn was communicating to Alfa Bank in Russia hacked data from state voter databases and the DNC’s own voter targeting engine, Vertica. The precise combination of these two databases allowed Cambridge Analytica and SCL both to create Russian-directed propaganda and target it at voting groups with extraordinary precision. Intelligence sources now tell me that SVB bank, the second bank named in the FISA warrant I exclusively reported on Nov 7th, was also involved in messaging Alfa Bank. There will be further explanation of that in another post.

The technology behind Cambridge Analytica’s targeting was stolen from Facebook by Alexander Kogan, who has gone to Singapore and renamed himself Alex Spectre. In many ways, the Trump-Russia story begins and ends at Cambridge University. Dimtry Firtash, the corrupt Russian oligarch who is Paul Manafort’s patron, gave Cambridge £6 million pounds since 2010. With that money evidently came a large ring of Russian spies, probably including Kogan.

Fake news in the 2016 election was not, in fact, fake news. It was real propaganda, coordinated and paid for by the Russian state. General Flynn was actively involved on Russia’s behalf, sources say, with discussing how this propaganda could be used and targeted across Europe and elsewhere, as well as in Donald Trump’s campaign.

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, told the Financial Times that he and other British former spies had left a dining club at Cambridge – a club to which Flynn belonged – because of concerns about Russian intelligence penetrating it. General Flynn had been a regular attendee, the story said. It added that British intelligence was extremely concerned about some ‘startups’ in Cambridge being Russian intelligence, notably Veruscript.

Sir Richard and his colleagues suspect that Veruscript — a newly established digital publishing house that has provided funding to set up a new journal of intelligence and to cover some of the seminar’s costs — may be acting as a front for the Russian intelligence services

The story did not get much attention in the America MSM, but I recognise the worthy papers an intelligence veteran in the UK might use to front-face something for reporters. (If Sir Richard is reading this report I do hope he will consider giving it to me next time. I could have told him firewalls = death for dissemination).

The Guardian followed this up with a story about a probable woman FSB agent or asset at Cambridge, to whom General Flynn, who is as vain as he is stupid, had signed billets-doux marked “General Misha”, the Russian word for Mike.

In Cambridge, intelligence sources say, Flynn was meeting with not only those who had coded the technology but Russian spies talking about the propaganda it should distribute.

However, Flynn did not stop there. With the full knowledge of both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, “General Misha” continued his Nazi “tour of Europe”, with meetings both in Europe and of the EU far right at Trump Tower, discussing how the Russian propaganda of SCL could be targeted directly in their countries in order to swing their elections. Notably, Flynn was caught with the head of the far-right party in Austria. This man was then invited by Donald Trump to the inauguration. Other far-right Russian allies invited to the inauguration, or who came to meet Trump Russia associates at Trump tower, and who were assisted by the Russian botnet and Russian propaganda, include Marine Le Pen and Nigel Farage.

Sir Richard and US sources have indicated to the Guardian newspaper that Director Comey has direct and incontrovertible evidence that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia. This relates to the FISA warrant that I reported on November 7th and my April 1st report (which I had previously published as a theory) that the AlfaBank server was laundering two hacked databases together for targeting – the DNC’s own and the voter registration databases. However, the other parts of that evidence, I can report today, involve General Flynn’s discussions with Russian spies and the EU far-right on how they could use similar technology to hack and target Russian active measures in their own country.

In this scenario, it is easy to see that “Honest Misha” Flynn thought of himself as the leading commander for Russia’s attack on the West.


The Microchip Russian Botnet Worked in America With Flynn and Flynn Jr – And Guido Lombardi

How the Magax3 Pac, “Microchip” and the Russian botnet worked directly with Donald Trump and Mike Flynn under the aegis of Russian intelligence

If Peter Chayanov, (one of his many names), is the hacking villain of Trump-Russia, as I have previously reported, the ‘Microchip’ persona is the targeting villain of the piece.

Exclusively on Patribotics by Laurelai Bailey, we broke the story that one week before the DNC emails were published, Wikileaks bought two full servers located in Russia.

Next, we broke the story, based on what I have called COSINT – crowdsourced, open-source intelligence – that Wikileaks had actually handed their SSL keys to Chayanov and therefore to Putin. What that means in layman terms is that the Russian dictator can now see the IP addresses of anybody reading Wikileaks, (helpful with targeting propaganda at them, as he sees what stories they are reading), and also the IP addresses used now or in the past by any donors to Wikileaks – of money or leaks. That means Putin can blackmail whistleblowers from the US military and elsewhere into becoming his spies.

I further reported, based on intelligence sources that it was Chayanov’s company Hostkey that US intelligence determined hacked the state voter databases (named in their October 7th statement as ‘a Russian company’).Because the USIC named Wikileaks as a Russian government actor in that same statement, and because Chayanov holds Wikileaks SSL keys and servers, USIC now knows, if it did not before, that the Russian government hacked the state voter databases. The motherlode of the DNC leaks was not the DNC emails Wikileaks released; rather, it was the Vertica database that the DNC used and which had files on the voting behavior of all listed voters (hence the BernieBros that disappeared from Twitter – they were designed to suppress the Clinton vote). The Steele Dossier, which sources say is true in all important respects, states that Russian moles in the DNC leaked the files to Russia – they were as much hackers as Snowden was at the USA. Because there are too many states to place leakers in, Chayanov was forced actually to hack the state voter registration databases.

The Trump server was washing these two databases together for targeting by the campaign as I exclusively reported, with further exclusive reporting on the precise method by TeaPainUSA, here.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Next, with the accurate data provided by the data laundering, the Trump campaign needed to target voting groups with accuracy. It did this by creating fake news and ugly memes, and receiving these from Russian sources. Agents of influence of Russia used to propel these fake stories and memes included Sputnik, Jack Posobiec, and the “botnet” created by Microchip, who is a composite persona. Microchip are Russian agents of influence, and began to create the pro-Trump troll net in 2015, according to Buzzfeed. As well as actual bots based on keywords, the Microchip Russian botnet used human beings and particular hashtags to push the AI themed messaging. Trump’s campaign created fake news to order. Flynn’s twitter account, and that of his son, were lambasted for publishing fake news, but in point of fact it is easy – and provable – to see that the Microchip botnet of Russia was tweeting from the account. Flynn’s twitter used the same exact hashtags and linked back to the MagaX3 PAC. He also pushed out the Wikileaks releases of the stolen DNC material (now declared by the CIA to be Russian active measures) with hashtags like #PodestaEmails19 as they arose (remember, anybody clicking on these links had now given their IP address to Putin).

Flynn was working in Trump Tower with ‘Chief Facebook Officer’ Guido Lombardi, profile in Politico EU, using their mutual hatred of Islam as a wedge issue.

Lombardi, who describes himself as a real estate investor with rightward political leanings, said that throughout the presidential campaign he fielded calls from representatives of a veritable Who’s Who of the European Right, including French far-right leader Marine Le Pen — who was spotted in Trump Tower Thursday — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, members of Austria’s Freedom Party, as well as the center-right French Républicains party who all wanted to meet with Trump.

Lombardi’s main role, he said, was to run an unofficial, guerilla-style social media operation that aimed to amplify the candidate’s message online. At its height, Lombardi said the operation included sites and Facebook pages for many niche groups of Trump supporters such as “Bikers for Trump,” “Latinos for Trump” and “Veterans for Trump.”

“In June of 2015, I told Donald, ‘I’d love to help,’” said Lombardi. “‘But I can’t work directly for the campaign because I have all kinds of rules and regulations. I will take care of unofficial media. I will take care of students. I will take care of bikers. I will take care of all the crazies … There is no official connection so [no] liability.’ He said, ‘Great.’”

By the end of the campaign, Lombardi said he was curating some 500 online groups that were run by a network of volunteers. He said he had started some of them but did not specify how many.

It was not possible to verify this claim or Lombardi’s link to the websites. Several of the groups cited by Lombardi had garnered more than 100,000 “likes” on Facebook and featured pro-Trump memes and stories from little-known news sources.

Below, the screenshot shows Flynn pushing out this Russian co-ordinated propaganda targeted by Lombardi.

Lombardi, Flynn and Gaffney, along with Devin Nunes, were in the Transition Team and were willing to slam US intelligence and military leaders.

Fueling concerns are reports of Trump’s selection of former Defense Intelligence Agency director Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn as national security adviser. Flynn was purged himself in 2014 by his superiors in the military intelligence community….Another Trump transition leader who has sharp criticisms of current military and intelligence leaders regarding the war on terrorism is House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif. Nunes is now one of the three Trump transition officials in charge of national security appointments, along with former congressman Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., and Reagan-era official Frank Gaffney,


A story that I myself reported for Heat Street in October, 2016 – before I reported the FISA warrant on Alfa Bank and SVB Bank – that concerned Trump’s bots and trolls actually pointed to a lot of what is reported here. Because I did note in that story that the Russian botnet AI had spread far beyond America and existed in multiple languages.

Coda: Finding A Common Message Pushed Out by Both Types of Putinbot

One easy way to spot a Russian troll, whether curated or automated, is to look for them pushing out the identical message. Do we remember that “Putin: How Obama Created ISIS” video?

This happens (see link). Please note the “various” “diverse” profiles Russian men are adopting here. We have an Hispanic woman, a Muslim woman, a white far left Bernie Sanders supporter, and a patriotic redneck.

but wait! There’s more! By using this method we can see how the Russian troll farm places its fictional accounts around the world and in multiple languages. Australia, Germany, Japan, Africa…

Dutch, from a Holland-based account….

Putin legt glashelder uit wie uiteindelijk ISIS gecreëerd heeft!! Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

— JW van den Born (@janwillemvdborn) August 12, 2016

Spanish, French and German…

I further pointed out that all these countries had certain tropes in common. Support for Trump, Brexit, Viktor Orban, and Nigel Farage as well as Marine Le Pen.

The interesting thing about analyzing Mom For Trump is his use of most of the tropes pushed by Breitbart’s Steven Bannon, now a Trump advisor. These are:

  1. Trump
  2. Putin
  3. Russia
  4. Brexit
  5. Nigel Farage
Many of the “EU located” Putinbots will also hawk the Russian puppet Viktor Orban, the PM of Hungary. Here’s a Spanish-language Putinbot who has chucked in an avatar boosting Assad for good measure (his account reads “the tiger of damascus”).

It now turns out that on his trips to Cambridge and through the EU, General Misha Flynn was specifically co-ordinating Russian propaganda for the far right.

The Alfa Bank server’s washing of the voter registration and Vertica databases is one half of the incontrovertible evidence that will see Donald Trump impeached. But Moscow Mike Flynn’s Treason Tour of Europe is the other half of it. Flynn is the key not only to Vladimir Putin’s attack on America, but also to his attack on the entire Western World.

An attack in which Donald J Trump was fully and totally complicit.