Manipulation or do they think like this all on their own because I'm starting to believe the latter. No way anyone can possibly be this fukkin easy to con
The "con" happened years ago now, when Trump made it clear he was a racist, sexist lowbrow trash person, and the country said "ok, I guess that's acceptable for a prospective President of the United States now." The Left accepted it because we assumed he'd be easy to defeat. The Right accepted it because its everything they ever wanted but felt they couldnt openly support.
Ever since, every step along the way has just been to deepen the tribalism of his supporters. Daily lies no longer matter. Facts of any situation dont matter. The rule of law doesnt matter. Open treason against the country doesnt matter. All that matters to them is what orange zaddy says, because he is the white garbage person looking out for other white garbage people like them, and the few that may disagree are well beyond sunk cost fallacy territory to ever admit they were wrong, so they dig in deeper.
Even in the best case scenario where Mueller and everyone knock it out of the park, Trump and his cronies are removed, etc. you're still gonna have millions of these trash people convinced it was all unfair and more on edge than ever. Not sure how we move forward with them.