So this dude Tom Price really gonna skatr
This definitely gave them a bucket to carry Don's water in for a little while. Now is Trump were smart he would chill and let this rule the next week or two but............................The right is so diabolical. They've already regun to shape the Susan Rice is more important story.
The right is so diabolical. They've already regun to shape the Susan Rice is more important story.
I was a huge Taibbi fan during the financial crisis, but this highlights the difference between the newsmakers and the analysts.And if the mainstream media and the left were not following this story, Matt would have spent the next four years writing about the weakness of the media and the left like how he made a career(deservedly) talking about the financial collapse of 2008.
They're smart.The right is so diabolical. They've already regun to shape the Susan Rice is more important story.
We got flooded yesterdayQuiet today...
Every time I say that, though, something big drops