if you have a suggestion for the next chapter, please let it be known.
i really enjoy doing these and hope that it is bringing some sort of good into the world.
it takes time to make numerous smilies.
many of these where created by getting screen caps of video to capture just the right emotion.
then i clipped them out and did color correction.
the addition of text to the news tags is a new thing but i think that it works well with this particular chapter.
after reducing the original image to smilie size i had to go in and retouch the small text with photoshop.
then i have to fit all of these smilies into the story that i have in my head based upon what has actually happened.
i just hope this amuses people who are following this dumpster fire of an administration.
please visit my original thread.
share it, give it 5 stars, like my posts and give me some ideas.
i gotta translate this into something that really has some meaning.