By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War
Regarding Michael Cohen's situation:
from reddit user patentattorney:

Regarding Michael Cohen's situation:
from reddit user patentattorney:
The GRU was at the center of the Russians’ interference campaign, using Guccifer 2.0, DCLeaks, and WikiLeaks to publish hacked DNC emails. All the while, Gates and Manafort stayed in touch with someone they knew to be a former GRU officer. My latest:…
2:26 PM - Mar 29, 2018
Also a reminder Bolton was behind the completely false story about Iraq trying to procure "yellow cake" uranium from Niger which was used a justification for the Iraq War
John Bolton's Yellowcake - Original
Imagine what lies he will come up with to goad Trump to go to war with Iran or North Korea especially given there is no accountability in this administration .
Contender for the post of the year so far...
The ultimate show will be post trump.
Rather its another republican or democrat next.. How will the media and America as a whole get back to "normal"? I posed that question because I hear that a lot on both sides...
This thing with Trump is playing out like a daily tabloid. I'm a historian of past presidents and I understand we're in 2018, but the dysfunction with this presidency in astronomical. It has redefined what we think about the office in power and the silent majority that got him there.
Its the equivalent of having a bad ass kid that curses, steals, never cleans up the house and even tried to burn it down. When you have the next kid, will you be a stern disciplined parent that will hold the next one to a higher standard or is all hope is lost and there no church in the wild? We'll see.....
Mueller's team has reportedly been asking witnesses about events surrounding the 2016 Republican convention
3:58 PM - Mar 29, 2018