Look everyone knows this is all a sham hoax and that there is no collusion...no one is talking about the thousands of texts but we all know that the real scandal is with the deep state as everyone knows has always been totally for Hillary..speaking of which where is she? I guess no one cares anymore...but I’m looking forward to gettin our story out there so we can spend more time talking about the incredi..absolutely phenomenally record breaking..earth shattering successes we’ve achieved...now whether that’s in writing, that’s what all the attorneys are saying makes the most sense...or in some other form, fax perhaps...I’m not yet sure..but definite hoax, no collusion...and not afraid to talk, I just hope for everyone and especially the country’s sake that it’s done fairly..and if it is then i have no problem with it...but if, and im afraid its starting to look like this, if this is just another waste of taxpayer dollars and the special counsels office, all democrats who have given literally tens of millions of dollars to hillary...just trying to score political points then we'll see....
I can imagine Takeover playing in Mueller's office after he interviews Trump.
Mods Bush this clown
I thought he was doing a Trump impression. shyt was dead on.
if so, then i apologize for the neg and report.