
I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
The Constitution. So prescient.:wow:

Remember when I asked once trump is impeached and it’s confirmed Trumps presidency is illegitimate will all of his nominees and cabinet members be removed that includes his Supreme Court and lower court picks? There’s the answer in the constitution article 2 section 4 :mjgrin:


Oct 30, 2017

Chelsea Manning Made An Appearance At A Pro-Trump Gala
Manning said she "crashed" the event. One attendee who knows Manning told BuzzFeed News that "while she was not there protesting she was there in a effort to bridge gaps between left and right."
January 21, 2018, at 1:35 a.m.


Charlie Warzel/BuzzFeed News

Hundreds of pro-Trump Twitter activists, far-right online media figures, and Pepe lapel pin-wearers descended on a Hell's Kitchen nightclub Saturday night for a gala celebrating the one-year anniversary of President Trump's inauguration. But despite appearances from far-right media personalities like James O’Keefe, Mike Cernovich, and Gavin McInness, the most controversial attendee of the evening was former Wikileaks whistleblower, and now US Senate candidate, Chelsea Manning.

In the early hours of the party, Manning could be seen smiling and socializing with attendees, including pro-Trump Twitter personality Cassandra Fairbanks. Fairbanks, who reports for Gateway Pundit, has been a vocal supporter of Wikileaks and has publicly exchanged messages with Manning on Twitter.

Manning left before the evening's speeches ended. Shortly after her departure, another guest told BuzzFeed News that Manning was "crashing" the gala, and suggested that the former whistleblower did not attend because of her political views.

Hours later, Manning issued a tweet that appeared to disavow the event as a "fascist/white supremacist hate brigade party." Manning did not respond to a request for comment.

Others who spoke with Manning Saturday night described her attitude towards the party differently. A source who attended and who knows Manning told BuzzFeed News that "while she was not there protesting, she was there in a effort to bridge gaps between left and right."

Cernovich, the pro-Trump media personality who hosted the event, suggested that perhaps Manning — who is running for Senate as a Democrat — showed up because of a shared philosophy that's separate from partisan politics.

"I think it's clear that she does what she wants and doesn't give a shyt," Cernovich said. "And I think she knows that we're the same way."

Regardless of the reason for Manning's appearance, other guests appeared thrilled that she showed up. "I truly don't want to speak for her but I guess she respects what this is all about," pro-Trump activist Jack Posobiec said, gesturing toward the room full of attendees.

"Everyone was respectful," a different party-goer said. Another claimed that not a single person in attendance misgendered Manning, who is an openly transgender woman.

"Honestly, her being here shows what this movement is really about," one pro-Trump Twitter personality told BuzzFeed News shortly after Manning left the party. "We're not ideological, we're tribal. We don't care about the politics as much as we care about pissing people off and trolling and shaking things up. She's about liberty, we're about liberty, it's all good. No bad blood at all."

Charlie Warzel is a senior writer for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Warzel reports on and writes about the intersection of tech and culture.

Contact Charlie Warzel at

Joe Bernstein is a senior technology reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Bernstein reports on and writes about the gaming industry and web culture.

Contact Joseph Bernstein at

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Mar 6, 2015
Remember when I asked once trump is impeached and it’s confirmed Trumps presidency is illegitimate will all of his nominees and cabinet members be removed that includes his Supreme Court and lower court picks? There’s the answer in the constitution article 2 section 4 :mjgrin:
Love it. Get them all outta here.:mjgrin:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The decline and fall of Wilbur Ross

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images
President Donald Trump has put Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross out to pasture.

Wilbur has lost his step. Actually, he’s probably lost a lot of steps.
— President Trump, shaking his head in resignation, to one of our sources
One problem: Ross’s efforts to wheel and deal with the Chinese have left the president unimpressed. Another problem: He keeps falling asleep in meetings.

Early in Trump’s presidency, Ross was his go-to negotiator, helming the administration’s trade talks with the Chinese. After a few months, though, Trump concluded he was doing a terrible job.

In a series of Oval Office meetings about six months into his presidency, Trump eviscerated Ross, telling him he’d screwed up, and badly.

“These trade deals, they’re terrible,” Trump said, according to a source in the room for one of the meetings. “Your understanding of trade is terrible. Your deals are no good. No good.”
Trump told Ross he didn’t trust him to negotiate anymore. Ross had tried in the early months of the administration, before Robert Lighthizer was confirmed as the U.S. Trade Representative, to take the lead on several crucial trade conversations. Once Lighthizer arrived there was a tussle for control over several issues. But after Ross botched — in Trump's eyes — his dealings with China, he decided Lighthizer would be the lead negotiator on all trade issues.

During this period, Trump humiliated Ross in front of his colleagues, per three sources, and questioned his intelligence and competence.

The Financial Times reported in August that Trump rejected a China steel deal that Ross thought he’d closed. But nobody has reported the extent of Trump’s castration of Ross. Trump has effectively taken his Commerce Secretary — who he once called a “killer” — off the playing field.

  • One example: Ross made a deal to open the U.S. market to cooked Chinese chicken, in exchange for the Chinese opening their market to American beef. Ross told reporters it was a “herculean accomplishment,” and “more than has been done in the whole history of U.S.-China relations on trade,” per the AP.
  • But Trump wasn’t impressed with this deal — at all — and told our sources he found Ross’s boasting to be laughable and ridiculous.
Ross’s propensity to doze off in meetings — which senior Capitol Hill aides have noticed — hasn’t helped.

“Wilbur is good until about 11 a.m."
— A former senior administration official
Why this matters: Ross entered the administration as one of Trump’s favorites, poised to be a power player. Trump has known Ross since the bankruptcy tyc00n helped keep him financially afloat in the early 1990s. Trump was proud that Ross — this billionaire Wall Street legend — wanted to work for him.

“Wilbur is so famous on Wall Street he only needs one name,” Trump said in an early meeting with White House visitors, according to a source in the room. “You don’t even need to say his last name; you just say Wilbur and they know who you’re talking about.”

The WH pushback: Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary Raj Shah emailed me this statement: "Secretary Ross is leading the administration’s approach on steel, aluminum, intellectual property and trade. Far from souring on his performance, since taking office, the President has expanded his responsibilities.”

  • Chief economic adviser Gary Cohn: “Secretary Ross remains an important member of the President’s economic team, particularly as we work to advance the President’s commitment to free, fair and reciprocal trade.”
  • Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer: “Secretary Ross and I work together every day on these trade items. We all value his sharp business acumen, his insight into trade policy issues, and his hard work to advance the President’s agenda.”
The current status: Ross bottomed out with Trump midway through last year. Since then, Ross has spent months trying to rebuild alliances within the administration, courting his colleagues over dinners, but he’s never fully regained his stature in Trump’s eyes.

  • However, he is in a much a better place with the boss than he was in July, and remains an active participant in the weekly trade meetings. He'll be a primary player in the debates over possible steel and aluminum tariffs and recently hand-delivered reports to the president on the national security findings on both metals.
  • But sources close to Trump say he’ll never again trust the 81-year-old to be his “killer” negotiator. The recent Forbes article — revealing that Ross vastly exaggerated his net worth — did not help his internal standing.
“Wilbur’s been sucking up for months, trying to get back in the president’s good graces,” said a source close to Trump.

He's got a way to go.

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Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Practice what you preach :MaxineUMad:

I mean, Nap would post the same thing that 3 other posters already posted in here and brought sirens. Or, if he sees there are discussions about a topic he didn't post, he'll come and drop something completely irrelevant in the middle of the hot topic being discussed
