Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Trump won't see the insides of a jail cell because this is all bigger than him. He'll plea out.

Those in the GOP protecting him are doing so not because they agree with him but because his downfall accelerates their own. The rest of them will gladly get out of the way to sacrifice him instead of their party.
There’s no pleading out to avoid jail when you’re the big fish the feds want. This isn’t just financial corruption. This is a member of organized crime with ties to three of the five families and the Russian mob who has violated the constitution in every imaginable way, not to mention him being a traitor to the country. Corruption, extortion, money laundering, espionage, treason, and conspiracy to commit these things with the rest of his party. On top of this he’s spent the last year beefing with the feds. Go find me someone who did all of that and lived to tell the tale or walked away without prison time. Removing leaders from office is what half of the American intelligence community does.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Trump won't see the insides of a jail cell because this is all bigger than him. He'll plea out.

Those in the GOP protecting him are doing so not because they agree with him but because his downfall accelerates their own. The rest of them will gladly get out of the way to sacrifice him instead of their party.
I’m telling you man Trump will be the exception they gonna fry and sauté that cac for the world to see... his lack of respect for the Office, the LE apparatus, the IC the rule of law etc.. Mueller is going to make an example of this dude

I know the optics of a President going to jail is bad but I think that shyt is out the window this dude teamed with America’s main adversary to steal an election.. no coming back from that shyt and to show Putin shyt ain’t a game Trump going to prison.. that will show putin he’s not as smart or all powerful as he thinks he is and that it’s too many mechanisms in place to overthrow the US gov

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
Yeah because they're delusional racists.

Pointing out that insane Far Righties tried to compare Obama to Hitler doesnt in any way lessen the fact that Trump legitimately has a lot in common with Hitler and more than one WW2 German survivor has publicly said that Trump and America right now reminds them of the vibe in Germany before Hitler took over. Things are obviously different now but still take a second to step back and fully absorb that the Trump administration has been taking purposeful steps all along the way (attacking democratic institutions, election legitimacy, the free press, courts and judges and the concept of truth itself, isolating the country and dissolving relationships with allies, fomenting tribalism and blaming minorities as boogymen, phony nationalism when convenient, blatant contempt for the rule of law, I could go on) all laying the groundwork for a massive and sudden regime change/America is not a democracy anymore and by the time everyone realizes it no one has the power to stop it. None of this is accidental or just because they're dumb. This is how these things happen, afterall.

Whether he ultimately succeeds or not, make no mistake Donald would love to be dictator of an illiberal democracy like his mancrush Putin, and that ultimately remains his plan today. He's certainly never leaving without a fight and I bet hed sooner burn it all down than have to take such a massive loss. Unlike Obama, thats the kind of guy Trump is.
I still don't think that's going to happen but Trump and his supporters are in fact crazy :yeshrug:.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I’m telling you man Trump will be the exception they gonna fry and sauté that cac for the world to see... his lack of respect for the Office, the LE apparatus, the IC the rule of law etc.. Mueller is going to make an example of this dude

I know the optics of a President going to jail is bad but I think that shyt is out the window this dude teamed with America’s main adversary to steal an election.. no coming back from that shyt and to show Putin shyt ain’t a game Trump going to prison.. that will show putin he’s not as smart or all powerful as he thinks he is and that it’s too many mechanisms in place to overthrow the US gov

Man, I hope you're right...but it's really hard to see a former POTUS actually going to prison. Plus his dumbass supporters would probably go ham. :patrice:

I'm more inclined to agree with the people saying he'll just resign or get some sort of plea deal.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Past president of the American Psychiatric Association wrote this :whoo:

Opinion | Maybe Trump Is Not Mentally Ill. Maybe He’s Just a Jerk.

Maybe Trump Is Not Mentally Ill. Maybe He’s Just a Jerk.


Illustration by Delcan & Company; Pool photo by Ron Sachs
As a past president of the American Psychiatric Association, I feel strongly that my fellow psychiatrists, and any psychologists or therapists, should stop speculating publicly about President Trump’s mental fitness and stop trying to diagnose possible mental conditions based on their armchair observations.

It’s not that Mr. Trump’s mental fitness should not be evaluated — quite the contrary. All sitting presidents should be evaluated, though most presidential physical exams have included only cursory evaluations of their mental health. When President Trump undergoes his annual medical examination on Friday, his first since taking office, I hope that his assessments include the specific tests that could readily determine if he suffers from a neuropsychiatric condition that could explain his erratic behavior and undermine his ability to perform his duties.

But even if these tests are conducted, it is unlikely that we will learn the results. This would be unfortunate, because speculation about Mr. Trump’s mental fitness appears to be reaching its zenith. It is not just the odd behaviors that have become so common: his obsessive tweeting; his shocking, often contradictory statements; and his instances of confusion (for example, not recognizing Rudy Giuliani sitting across from him at a White House meeting or appearing not to remember the words to the national anthem at a sport event).

Now we have Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury,” in which the president’s own staff members question Mr. Trump’s stability and cognitive ability. In response to early accounts of the book, the president tweeted in defense of his mental capacities that “actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.”

Yet the reality is that, unless the president is properly evaluated, we have no real evidence to know with certainty if he has a mental disorder. And even if we did, we lack a clear constitutional standard for what severity of impairment would render him unfit to serve. History has shown us that former presidents have suffered conditions hampering their mental function while still in office, including Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge and Woodrow Wilson. Consider the case of Reagan: He was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, but if he was beginning to show symptoms in his second term, as some believe he was, that did not preclude him from finishing his term.

The experiences of those presidents provide convincing evidence that, even if there weren’t a tsunami of speculation about Mr. Trump’s mental condition now, Congress should consider adopting policies to standardize, and to expand as needed, the scope of presidential medical exams to include neuropsychiatric assessments.

As I have written, disorders such as psychosis, dementia, depression and addiction commonly occur in people in the age range of presidents — and any of those, when severe enough, could damage a president’s ability to discharge his or her duties. The 25th Amendment provides a process for transferring power from presidents deemed incompetent. However, we still lack a defined process for applying the 25th Amendment to a president who will not voluntarily submit to an examination to evaluate mental competence. We also lack clear criteria for what behavior warrants an intervention and transfer of power to the vice president.

The 25th Amendment has been invoked only a handful of times since its ratification in 1967. But except during the Watergate scandal, these incidents mainly involved giving vice presidents the power of the presidency while the president was undergoing medical procedures that included general anesthesia.

There is another problem with the current debate over Mr. Trump’s mental condition: It assumes his behavior isn’t voluntary, and that his shocking or “unpresidential” conduct is a symptom of mental illness. This kind of thinking contributes to the stigmatization of mental illness. It’s entirely possible that he simply has certain personal qualities we don’t find ideal in a leader, like being a narcissistic bully who lacks basic civility and common courtesies. That he is, in a word, a jerk. But that alone does not make him mentally unfit to serve.

It’s also worth noting that when psychiatrists engage in clinical name calling about the president’s mental status without adequate evidence and proper evaluation, they are damaging the credibility of the entire field. Psychiatry has had a checkered past: Witness its collusion in Nazi eugenics policies, Soviet political repression and the involuntary confinement in mental hospitals of dissidents and religious groups in the People’s Republic of China. More than any other medical specialty, psychiatry is vulnerable to being exploited for partisan political purposes.

We can raise an index of suspicion, make back-seat observations of someone’s behavior to express our concerns and even speculate as to whether illness may be the underlying cause. But those observations, coming from physicians — even psychiatrists like myself — are merely public opinion. They are not reliable as evidence for definitive diagnosis and removal of a sitting president from office. Mr. Trump’s public behavior will never be enough for us to determine his mental fitness because a diagnosis requires a thorough and nonpartisan examination.

To put this matter to rest, either President Trump should voluntarily submit to a neuropsychiatric evaluation or mechanisms should be established to require him — and all future presidents — to do so.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @GnauzBookOfRhymes @Dracudiddy @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up
