He doesn’t think that. He’s just feeding his base. When democrats point out republican obstruction, he will just say both sides obstruct.This always makes me laugh. He is so stupid he really thinks the party with no control controls shyt.
riling up the base. somethings coming.
Yep. First thing I said. That's idgaf territory even for him.riling up the base. somethings coming.
Its been hinted at that MAYBE Seth Rich really was the source of the leak but the Russians murked him.Nap that Eric Garland quote is pretty creepy but who does he mean was denying Soviet tactics?
other than GWB saying he looked Putin in the eyes and saw a trustworthy future ally ()
I felt like people were pretty aware of the continued existence of cold war authoritarian tactics?
or does he mean people denied that the Soviet tactics would be applied here, against us domestically? :tinfoiljbhmm: