
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Homeland Security's head of community outreach once said blacks turned cities to 'slums' with 'laziness, drug use and sexual promiscuity'

Jamie Johnson, Director DHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnership
(CNN)The head of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships at the Department of Homeland Security has said in the past that the black community is responsible for turning cities into "slums" and argued that Islam's only contribution to society was "oil and dead bodies," a CNN KFile review of his time as a radio host reveals.

Rev. Jamie Johnson was appointed in April by then-Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly to lead the Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships at the department.

In radio appearances from 2008 to as recently as 2016, Johnson was critical of the black community and painted Islam as a violent, illegitimate religion.

The Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships, according to its official website, was created in 2006 after Hurricanes Katrina, Wilma and Rita to "engage a broader cross-section of faith and community-based organizations in all stages of the disaster sequence and provide resources for faith and community leaders to help them prepare for emergency situations." The center is also involved in the DHS's effort to fight human trafficking.

Prior to joining the department, Johnson was a fixture in grassroots Republican politics in Iowa, serving as a GOP state committeeman and working for Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Donald Trump in the state. He also frequently appeared on the radio airwaves as a guest and as a host of his own weekend program and guest host for other conservative talk radio hosts.

In a statement to CNN, Johnson apologized for his previous comments.

"I have and will continue to work with leaders and members of all faiths as we jointly look to strengthen our safety and security as an interfaith community. Having witnessed leaders from the entire faith spectrum work to empower their communities I now see things much differently," Johnson said. "I regret the manner in which those thoughts were expressed in the past, but can say unequivocally that they do not represent my views personally or professionally."

Tyler Houlton, acting press secretary at DHS, told CNN, "The administration does not support these statements made by Rev. Johnson, some of which were said nearly a decade ago, and for which he has apologized. We believe Rev. Johnson has proven himself as a valuable supporter and proponent of the interfaith community's recovery efforts, particularly during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and most recently bringing counseling and support following the tragic shooting at the church in Sutherland Springs, Texas."

In 2008, during a discussion on "The Right Balance" on Accent Radio Network, Johnson said he believed black people were anti-Semitic out of jealousy of the success of Jewish people.

"I think one of the reasons why is because Jewish people from their coming to America in great waves in the early part of the 1800's immediately rolled up their sleeves and began to work so hard and applied themselves to education and other means of improvement and other means of climbing the, I hate this phrase, but the social ladder if you will," Johnson said. "And they have done exceptionally well for themselves. For only representing about 1.4% of America's population, they make up 12% of America's millionaires. Why? Because they work.

"And it's an indictment of America's black community that has turned America's major cities into slums because of laziness, drug use and sexual promiscuity."

Johnson then agreed with another guest who said the success of Jewish-Americans "removes the argument of victimization from the black community."

In the appearance, Johnson also argued that the left in America did not want black Republicans because "diversity is simply a cloak to hide a far-left Marxist globalist ideology that seems to undercut and undermine every principle on which this nation was built."

A harsh critic of Islam, Johnson argued in his radio appearances that Muslim terrorist groups were representative of the true meaning of Islam.

"I never call it radical Islam, if anything, it is obedient Islam. It is faithful Islam." Johnson said, in another appearance filling in as host on the Iowa radio program "Mickelson in the Morning."

He continued, "Just in the same way that we talk about nominal Christians -- and we never say that as a compliment -- you're either a faithful and committed Christian, committed to the teachings and the writings of the laws and profits and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, or you're just kind of wishy-washy. And what the media, and sadly too many people in our camp, the Republican Party, want to refer to as militant or radical Islam, they're simply being obedient, aren't they?"

Johnson later stated that "Islam is not our friend" adding, "I agree with (conservative political commentator) Dinesh D'Souza, your friend and mine, who says all that Islam has ever given us is oil and dead bodies over the last millennia and a half."

"It is not a religion of peace," he said.

Johnson has made other inflammatory remarks about Islam while filling in on the "Mickelson in the Morning" show.

In 2011, Johnson said, "Jews do not want to cut our heads off, Muslims want to cut our heads off. Jews who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are our friends, they will always be our friends, and the best supporter of the Jewish believer is the Christian who understands that Jesus was a Jew."

Johnson argued in 2013 that Islam was an "ideology posing that is as a religion."

"We need to have somebody who understands that there is an ideology that is posing as a religion that is standing against everything that America was built upon and everything that is basically rooted in a Judeo Christian tradition," Johnson said. "And that is Islam. We have to have somebody who understands the Islamic threat to American freedoms."

In 2016, Johnson said former President George W. Bush made a mistake when he called Islam a religion of peace after the 9/11 attacks.

"I always believe that in the days following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and also on the Pentagon," Johnson said. "That George W. Bush made a critical mistake that we are still in a sense paying for. He began to say a phrase that no one had ever said before in popular political culture, which is that Islam is a religion of peace."

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @Grano-Grano @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @Cali_livin

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
I wish Obama would have just nominated all types of black folks undequalified or otherwise. They probably wouldn't have gotten through, but at least Wed have some precedent on actually confirming these people and not just rubber stamping these fools.

The thing is the republicans believe that's exactly what he did, despite having one of the more competent and experienced admins in history


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Is it possible Mueller will drop the hammer on Trump once his term is over???? But everybody else will be fair game so they can't get pardoned


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
WATCH THIS SPACE! :lupe: :jbhmm: :whoo:

Trump Biz Ally Agrees To Give Interview In Senate Committee’s Russia Probe
One of Donald Trump’s former real estate partners has agreed to be interviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Felix Sater, who tried to broker a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 election, told TPM that he will cooperate.

“I intend on cooperating fully with any and all government agencies and investigations,” Sater said in a text to TPM. “And if I am called I hope you make the trip to witness it in person because I don’t think it’s going to go the way of everyone’s favorite narrative.”

The request, from California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, asks for a number of specific documents that could shine a light on how Trump’s business interests in Russia intersect with his policymaking, and what role those interests might have played in the 2016 campaign.

“Mr. Sater intends to be fully cooperative with any and all government investigations in this matter,” Sater’s attorney Robert Wolf told TPM in an emailed statement. McClatchy first reported Sater’s cooperation Wednesday night.

Sater told TPM this summer that he has regularly worked for US intelligence since his arrest for fraud in a pump-and-dump stock scheme in 1998.

The California Democrat’s invitation is not a formal Judiciary Committee subpoena, but Sater’s cooperation could fill some significant gaps in the story of Donald Trump’s business dealings in Russia. Feinstein asked Sater to turn over “all documents related to the proposed Trump Tower in Moscow,” as well as a any communications with the campaign or related to the hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, and everything related to Sater’s financial dealings with the Trump Organization.

“In light of your involvement in brokering business deals for the Trump Organization in Russia, and your apparent efforts to leverage business relations to wield influence and curry favor with high-ranking Russian officials and candidate Trump,” Feinstein wrote, “we believe that you have information that would advance the Committee’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Committee would ask to schedule an interview with you to take place in November 2017.”

Feinstein also asked for documents related to the notorious Ukraine-Russia “peace deal” Sater tried to broker between Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and ousted Ukrainian politician Andrii Artemenko in January. At that meeting, Cohen said Sater had given him a written proposal in a sealed envelope, which Cohen said he gave to Michael Flynn. The document in that envelope has never been produced.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
what does this mean?

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US communications regulator loosens media ownership rules
3 hours ago
The US Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted in favour of relaxing restrictions on media ownership, a move that could spark a new flurry of activity among local media companies.

The proposal approved in a 3-2 commission vote on Thursday would ease some of the decades-old restrictions on cross-ownership of certain types of local media, including TV and radio stations and newspapers, within individual markets.

While the rules were intended to protect diversity of coverage, FCC chair Ajit Pai — who has served on the commission since 2012 and was tapped by US President Donald Trump to lead the regulator earlier this year — has criticised them as outdated in an era of the Internet and social media.

Fitch Ratings analysts said in a report earlier on Thursday that the new rules could allow for more deal-making in the sector, through purchases, sales, spin-offs and swaps under which TV stations can boost their portion of particular markets.

“Market participants generally expect a loosening of the rules, which will allow for more deal making. Elimination of restrictive cross-media ownership rules are less likely to have an immediate impact, though they could spur more local TV broadcasters to acquire newspapers in the same market given the value of the local news content from the newspapers and potential cost synergies associated with that type of consolidation. Fitch believes that local news content is a valuable asset and could be desirable for local news content creators like TV broadcasters.”

It could also be a boon for Sinclair Broadcasting’s $3.9bn deal for Tribune Media Company, Fitch said, “as it could limit the number of stations that will need to be divested in overlapping markets and provide opportunities for advantageous station swaps.

Sinclair shares were up 3.6 per cent to $32.22, while Tribune Media shares ticked up 0.7 per cent to $41.14.