This was actually huge news: Oct. 20, 2016 Donald Trump Says He Will Accept Election Outcome (‘if I Win’)wikileaks telling jr to tell his daddy not to concede if he lost is crazy...wikileaks really are just some shyt starters/trolls...
read the article. its really worth it.can someone simplify this wikileaks connection for me...![]()
I wonder if they lied to the FBI about their knowledge of contacts with Wikileaks
So Wikileaks straight up told Don Jr. they're a Russian intelligence front. Wow.
@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @Grano-Grano @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @Cali_livin