You mentioning me to get me to enter this insane asylum, so the patients can neg me and yall can tell mods to dock points from me when offering my opinion that is not aligned with the echo chamber?
@FAH1223 @tru_m.a.c make sure I don't get points taken away from this post when inevitably some patient is going to report me
I was mentioned.
Did Trump create a fake dossier about getting urinated on by Russian prostitutes in a Russian hotel?
Did Trump make a deal with Russians that put $145 millions in his foundation?
Let me clarify for you unfortunately manipulated jokers, even though I say it all the time.
Me personally, not speaking for amy other poster, I don't like alot of the policies from Don Cheeto....alot of it is bogus, but to be fair the budget and debt of the government happened long before he got here. Keep in mind, when BHO left office, the government reached a record $20 trillion in debt. As a business man and someone that has been in debt Don Cheeto sees that red number and thinks cutting programs and cutting taxes to stimulate growth and get out of the red. I don't necessarily know or think what he is attempting to cut are the right programs or his ambiguous warmongering stance is good. He has said crazy stuff with respect to people in various situations.
I say all that to say, I may not like his policies or personality, but I'm also not going to falsely accuse him of shiit he didn't do. See what I did, Critically Objective Thinking......pat my head and rub my belly at the same time

The shiit is shiit show...let's see who gets put on the shiity summer jam screen dog and pony show that Mueller may or may not present. I think most of yall are still upset Hillary lost in 2016, which is fine. But when you follow behind lying ass media, lying ass politicians, and lying ass entities, without being Critically Objective Thinkers, then this whole thread becomes an insane become hysterical without reason.
Case in point....everyone in this thread know the Russian prostitute peeing on Trump is fake right? Yet, none of yall that are so passionate about this story have admitted or mentioned it's fake. Which means if its fake, what else in the dossier is fake?
Mods. Don't give me any warning points.
@TheBlacksPanther mentioned me so I'm responding. Yall know a patient in here is going to report me for responding.