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The Hill
1 hr ·
Senate Chaplain Barry Black delivered a stunning morning prayer one day after Jeff Flake’s powerful anti-Trump speech, calling for God to “give us more legislators who are not afraid to call sin by its right name” and “provide us with more patriots who will stand for right, regardless of the consequences.”
Senate chaplain prays for 'more patriots who will stand for right' after Flake speech
"Lord, provide us with more patriots who will stand for right, regardless of the consequences.”

1 hr ·
Senate Chaplain Barry Black delivered a stunning morning prayer one day after Jeff Flake’s powerful anti-Trump speech, calling for God to “give us more legislators who are not afraid to call sin by its right name” and “provide us with more patriots who will stand for right, regardless of the consequences.”

Senate chaplain prays for 'more patriots who will stand for right' after Flake speech
"Lord, provide us with more patriots who will stand for right, regardless of the consequences.”