Trump will tweet about this shortly:
She's being modest....this is the real Russian scandal House Opens Investigation Into Hillary's Approval Of Russia Uranium Deal
$145 million from a Russian into Clinton Foundation coffers...and and.....Manafort worked with Podesta firm to funnel money from Russian entity. So Russian taking over our elections and shiity shiit like that is complete bullshiiit....

The whole time yall Homegirl was projecting her own activities onto her opposition.
That's like me take cookies out the cookie jar, grandma noticed all the cookies gone, I blame my cousins, when my face has chocolate on the side.

Russian Collusion Delusion.
Ive been telling yall for a year this is a Fairy Tale Farce, they projecting on Trump their own misdeeds. No .. I'm not Trump loving, but I'm not gone to participate in mass unsubstantiated hysteria and psychosis....
Stop letting the MsM play yall for a fool. Wake Up Mayne.
Shouts to @thekingsmen for the link
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