Stop lyin' nicca.
So just curious what you guys think it will take for democrats to win in 2018 and 2020? Like an idea of a general strategy?
I’m personally past caring how stupid this guy is and I think it’s democrats nationally need to start getting a message out there for 2018.
Like I know the dude is an idiot but what is going to be done to make sure these fukks don’t get another turn and this dude gets to appoint more Supreme Court justices.
Being outraged at the dude won’t get him the fukk out. Got to win some fukking elections. Republicans aren’t impeaching this dude and the 25th admendment isn’t going to be used.
This country is finished for a generation if he gets replace Kennedy and Ginsburg. Finito and done. Hope they can hang on for 3 years but they’re definitely not hanging on for 7
I think the main problem with the Democrats is they have no leader. There is no one out in front whom everyone can get behind. They need a platform and should be shoving it in our faces every time they speak. I think they will pick up a quite a few seats in 2018 as I feel those who voted for Trump because they were hurt about Bernie or because they hate Clinton won't translate to sweeping Republican mid term votes because of how Cheeto has conducted himself in office but they have to start mini campaigning to 2020 immediately. Although, a lot of Bernie bros I interacted with are alt right lite in my opinion, I think they will come out for Dems in 18. If Russia doesn't intervene with voting we might see a turn. I suspect they will want Cheeto impeached to cause chaos in the country. I also think we gone have to cart Ginsburg off on a gurney before she steps down while Trump is in office.