
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Facebook will hand-review every ad targeting politics and race

Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images
When Facebook said it was hiring 1,000 more people to manually review ads, it wasn't necessarily clear to everyone what that entailed -- just what was the focus, and would it affect upstanding advertisers? While the company touched on what whats happening before, there's no ambiguity now. According to Axios, Facebook is telling advertisers that it now requires manual review for any ad targeting people based on "politics, religion, ethnicity or social issues." In other words, Facebook is determined to avoid any attempt to use ads to stoke social tensions, even if that means slowing down its ad system. The social network warns marketers that they're "likely to experience a delay" to the start of their ad campaigns, at least until Facebook finds a way to streamline the process.

When asked for comment, Facebook pointed to its earlier news post, which only made reference to "certain types" of ads going through human reviews. It didn't touch on the specific content or the expected delays.

It's not shocking that Facebook would limit manual reviews to more sensitive subjects, but the absolute requirement for reviews covering a wide range of subjects is notable. It's a more direct acknowledgment that the company's previous reliance on automated screening let shady ads slip through the cracks, and that manual inspection might be necessary to catch people trying to game the system. And simply speaking, this could represent a survival tactic. Facebook knows it's under government scrutiny for Russia-linked ads, and it may have decided that voluntarily slowing down its ad system was better than risking government intervention.


Renault-Nissan bets its future on electric and hybrid cars

Unless it's launching this year or next year then tell us later. I don't care what these companies say they're going to do in 2020 or 2025.

FCC creates hurricane task force to aid recovery in Puerto Rico

As crappy as the situation is in Puerto Rico, they have an opportunity to build a much better electrical and communications grid. I really hope they don't do this on the cheep and build something that will be outdated and insufficient in a couple decades.

Puerto Rico governor will discuss Tesla solar systems with Elon Musk

um, Solar cell power systems are fragile and would be even more vulnerable to hurricanes and storms than conventional electrical generators.

Hulu drops the first trailer for its Marvel exclusive ‘Runaways’

More comic book crap. As if we didn't have enough TV shows and movies based on that. My god.

Uber and Lyft may not have to fingerprint drivers in California

another case of california prioritizing illegals and criminals ahead of public safety

BlackBerry's water-resistant Motion revealed in leak

I don't think they want to try to appeal to the younger people who are buying iPhone X's and Galaxy S8's. I think they're trying to nab the people who say I don't care about the stupid bezel, just give me better battery life, and bring back the headphone jack!. Not that the S8 is without a headphone jack, but you get the idea.

Disqus reveals it suffered a security breach in 2012

Researchers create a fast-sealing surgical 'glue' for closing wounds

Super glue was used by the US in the Vietnam war for wound closure. There is a product that is a combination of cyanoacrylate and anti-bacterial called Dermabond that was specifically created for this use, as well as a veterinary product called Vetbond.

Transforming vehicles and aerial dogfights are coming to 'GTA Online'

What GTA needs, is a Race to the Cook Country Assessors Office, aka the race at the end of The Blues Brothers, a mini game in which you race against the cops to pay the churches back taxes ... oh and see how many police cars you can crash following you.

Amazon is thinking of selling medicine online

How much of everything do they have to do before being a monopoly. Do they have to eat the world first?

RIP little guy. It was good memories

‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ public betas are live this weekend

Meh. I tried it for a few minutes in every game mode it would allow, but it was flat-up boring. There are only so many ways you can slap a new skin on an old game and call it new. So far there's only been one SW game I thought was worth the time, but it came out 20 or so years ago.

Audi's flagship A8 has an overwhelming amount of tech

And what you are saying is that you don't know how to read...I bought a NEW A8 in 2005

Tesla pushes EV semi-truck launch to November 16th

A lot of people are placing their trust on Elon's ability to follow through with his promises. I just hope he isn't hiding anything and taking advantage of that trust.


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?

So.. we capping for russian lbgt activist with an agenda to push that conflates unrelated issues??
Explain yourself, are you implying that illegal voting was an issue in the election, or are you saying that this lady is claiming that it was an issue? Voter suppression is an issue in this country, not illegal voting.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Another dead Russian with an apartment in Trump Tower :wow:

Controversial Russian, a tenant in Donald Trump’s home of Trump Tower, mysteriously drops dead
Bill Palmer
During the course of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal, several prominent Russians and Russia-connected individuals have died in mysterious fashion, most or all of whom had direct or indirect connections to the scandal and its attempted coverup. It’s believed, but not proven, that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been strategically taking them out to protect himself and/or Trump. Now another prominent Russian has dropped dead, and this time it’s hitting closer to home for Trump – literally.

Boris Kogan is best known for two reasons – well, three reasons as of today. He owned a condo in Trump Tower in New York, which he had in Julia Kogan’s name, until May of this year when he sold it. This means he was a tenant in the same building where Trump lived during the election. He’s also rather famously a Russian arms dealer, having exported Russian weaponry around the world (link). And as of today, he’s mysteriously dropped dead.

The news publication has posted a Ukrainian-language article announcing that Boris Kogan has died (link). The article was first brought to our attention by political researcher Olga Lautman on Twitter. When run through Google Translate, the article says “An unpopular, but influential Odessa businessman Boris Kogan, died of a heart attack in one of the clinics of the Black Sea city.” This is notable because nearly every time a prominent Russian has dropped dead during the Trump-Russia scandal, Russian officials have blamed it on a heart attack, no matter the physical injuries sustained by any of them. Two of them had severe head wounds, yet Russia still insisted they died of heart attacks.

It’s not immediately clear what specific motive Vladimir Putin would have for eliminating Boris Kogan, unless he played a role in the Trump-Russia scandal that hasn’t yet been exposed. While it’s entirely possible that Kogan did indeed die of a heart attack, when placed in the larger context of the trail of dead Russians, his death stands out as suspicious – particularly considering that he was tenant in the building where Trump was living during the election.

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