Cat piss martini
the comb over is putins bytch.

I'm saying Comey was trying to force an outcome. He know how serious this all was.
Now Mueller is taking his time and will drop the hammer.
Pimp Putin meeting with his bottom bytch
Trump began his Friday meeting with Putin by telling him that "it's an honor to be with you" as the two leaders kicked off their much-anticipated bilateral meeting, one that was scheduled for just 30 minutes but wound up lasting nearly two-and-a-half hours. One reason the meeting lasted so long, Tillerson said, was that Trump and Putin quickly developed such a rapport that "there was so much to talk about" and "just about everything got touched on."
At one point, Tillerson said, First Lady Melania Trump entered the room in a fruitless effort to break up the already over-time meeting, which continued for another hour after she left.
Trump and Putin have 'robust' talk about election interference
Don't be so certain on Hilary not running. She's been commenting on health care and staying in the spotlight for a reason. She's hoping Trump tanks so bad that he becomes a 1term President by default, or he gets removed and she easily beats Pence.We're talking about 2020 though, not 2016. Neither Hillary nor Bernie will be the candidate in 2020 so there's no point in bringing them up. I voted for Bernie in the primaries but that doesn't mean he's the only person on the planet who could beat Trump.
The half of the country that hates Trump will actually be motivated to go out and vote in 2020 (unlike 2016, where many stayed home) regardless of the Dem candidate as long as it's someone at least somewhat better than Hillary. Especially if the GOP pushes something thru on healthcare.
17 agencies
13 American intelligence agencies said they did.
17 agencies